Western Australian Agrifood Export eNews
New directory to showcase WA food and beverage to the world
The newly released Western Australian Exporter Directory includes listings for more than 150 exporters, and will be used to showcase the State's high-quality food and beverage products and engage with international buyers.
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development has produced the Exporter Directory, which promotes WA’s unique selling proposition for high quality food and beverage products.
The introduction of the updated Western Australian Exporter Directory has been translated into Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Thai and Arabic and will be used by the WA International Investment and Trade Office Network to engage buyers.
The directory will be updated annually to ensure new businesses looking to enhance their export profile can be included. More... Source and Photo: DPIRD
WA food and beverage promotion, Japan 2022
Western Australian agrifood exporters are invited to express an interest in several proposed initiatives by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) to assist with market development in Japan.
Due to current international travel restrictions, the WA Government Investment and Trade Office in Tokyo can represent companies at these events below, with product samples sent in advance and exporters connecting with buyers virtually where practical.
WA Premium Food and Beverage Trade Event – Mid January 2022
Express your interest for this event by 9 December 2021.
FOODEX Japan – 8 to 11 March 2022
WA Premium Food and Beverage Showcase – May 2022
Express your interest for these two events by 22 December 2021.
For further information, please contact Ariel Yesberg, DPIRD Senior Trade Consultant, by email at ariel.yesberg@dpird.wa.gov.au, or call 0409 657 124. Source and Image: DPIRD
WA wine wins ‘Best Red in Show’ at global wine awards
Great Southern winery and exporter 3drops has won one of the world’s most prestigious wine awards for its 2018 Cabernet Franc. The wine was named the Best Red in Show at the Global Fine Wine Challenge – the first time an Australian red has won in this category.
“This award not only highlights that 3drops is a quality new world producer, it reiterates that the Great Southern is at the forefront of cool climate viticulture,” 3drops owner Joanne Bradbury said.
“We are currently exporting to the United Kingdom (UK) and Hong Kong. In fact, some Cabernet Franc 2018 is due to arrive in the UK later this month and I expect there will be very high demand from buyers following the award,” Ms Bradbury said.
3drops is a participating member of the WA Wines to the World program, a five-year, $6 million partnership between the Western Australian Government and Wines of WA, which aims to grow the value and volume of WA wines exported. Source and Image: 3drops
Austrade export services to help agribusiness expand more quickly
Australian food and agribusinesses can now access export advice and market insights online to identify and expand into new markets more quickly.
Austrade’s export services has simplified how you access Austrade expertise and reliable market data. Tap into insights on top-performing markets and comprehensive information on laws and regulations specific to your products. Businesses can quickly and easily search market rules, tariffs and trade agreements to make faster decisions.
Visit export.business.gov.au for all the tools to help you find new market opportunities for your food or agriculture product. Source and Image: Austrade
Final stage of the Albany Aquaculture Zone announced
The Western Australian Government has announced the final stage of the Albany Aquaculture Zone, boosting investment opportunities to grow the State's aquaculture industry. The Albany Aquaculture Zone comprises a 500-hectare area in Oyster Harbour and around 310 hectares in Princess Royal Harbour and King George Sound combined.
The Government is also providing $2.5 million to upgrade the Albany Shellfish Hatchery, which will increase the capacity of the hatchery to support the growing aquaculture industry, expanding Akoya seeded line production by 100% and rock oyster spat by 300%.
Aquaculture development zones provide 'investment-ready' platforms for large-scale aquaculture operators, with environmental approvals and management frameworks already in place. At full capacity, the Albany Aquaculture Zone is expected to produce around 1,500 tonnes of shellfish at an estimated value of $30 million per year.
WA Fisheries Minister Don Punch said aquaculture is a rapid growth industry for Western Australia and for Albany – and one that has global potential. More... Source: WA Minister for Fisheries | Photo: DPIRD
DHL: Australian businesses predict exports to recover in 2022
After a challenging 2020, 45% of Australian exporters have seen an increase in revenue over the past year, while a quarter have seen a decline, according to the latest DHL Export Barometer.
However, 69% of exporters anticipate an increase in orders over the next 12 months, mainly during 2022. This is a big jump on 47% in 2020 – the lowest in the survey’s history – with sentiment for the next year the second-highest level of confidence recorded by the survey, which averages at 63%.
The report says cost of freight is a major issue, followed by supply chain issues and overseas travel restrictions which are holding back visits to emerging markets. Fortunately, customer demand is holding up for most exporters, with supply-side issues (transport and logistics), tariffs and exchange rates being the major non-pandemic-related challenges.
The DHL Export Barometer 2021 surveyed 1,438 Australian exporters online between 1 and 22 September this year, with 7% of those businesses were in Western Australia. More... | Video: How Australian businesses plan to grow their exports | Source: DHL | Photo: John Simmons / Unsplash