Explore Day, St Andrew's Church renovation, Ride and Stride, Mothers' Union Triennial Festival and so much more. No images? Click here Welcome to our monthly digital newsletter with events and holy happenings from around the Diocese of Peterborough.If you have stories to be included in future editions email: communications@peterborough-diocese.org.uk The annual Explore Day is an informal occasion for those who feel God may be calling them to serve in the church. It is open to anyone and is designed to give a snapshot of the breadth of ways in which it is possible to contribute and minister within the Diocese and wider Church, as well as serving our communities. St Andrew's Church in Kettering is set to reopen its doors as both a vibrant town centre church and an arts venue after a huge redevelopment project. The Church, which has a thriving congregation doubles as an arts venue for the town and has hosted comedy stars James Acaster, Rosie Jones and Jack Dee as well as the Reverend Richard Coles, who has recently become a Patron of the Arts Centre. On Sunday 22 September we celebrated the 30th Anniversary of the Priestly Ministry of Women in our diocese with a special service in Peterborough Cathedral. The service was led by The Revd Canon Margaret Johnson, and assisted by The Revd Paula York, current Dean of Women’s Ministry. Music arranged and composed by female musicians was sung by the Cathedral Girls Choir. As part of this year’s Ride and Stride, which took place on Saturday 14 September, Revd Alastair Wood, Rector of Barby and Kilsby, set himself the challenge to visit all 25 churches in the Daventry Deanery. The aim was not only to visit all 25 churches but to sing one of his own compositions, either inside or outside of each church. In the first week of September, the brand-new cohort of Ministry Experience Scheme (MES) interns started their year by attending a launch residential at the Chellington Centre in Bedfordshire. The residential is a chance for the interns to get to know one another through a series of team building activities and teaching sessions. They are also able to enjoy great food, walks in the countryside and worship till late at night. On Saturday 14 September, the Cathedral hosted the Mothers' Union Diocesan Festival, with representatives of all the branches from across the Diocese coming together to worship, commission their new president and chaplain, and to admit new members which this year included Bishop Debbie.
On Saturday 7 September, nearly 100 people congregated at Launde Abbey for an Outdoor Church gathering, organised by a team made up of members of Peterborough and Leicester Dioceses. Called 'Let's Go for a Walk', attendees were invited to walk together in small groups and talk about a diverse range of topics, all linked to growing faith and worshipping outdoors. Prisons WeekPrisons Week takes place 13 - 19 October with their 2024 campaign - Jesus looked at him and loved him. Prisons Week provides an annual focus and reason for Christians to work together, building capacity and motivation to make a difference for people who are out of sight and often out of mind.