We’re thrilled to announce that The Casketeers, stars of the hit Netflix TV series, will be joining us as keynote speakers. No images? Click here Our voices: The journey to healthy futures | Ō mātou reo: Te huarahi ki pae ora We’re thrilled to announce that The Casketeers, stars of the hit Netflix TV series, will be joining us as keynote speakers at our upcoming forum. Join us as we hear from Francis and Kaiora Tipene, the dynamic duo behind Tipene Funerals, about their experiences and insights in caring for whānau and their communities. This one-day forum is for consumer and health care professionals to learn how to reflect consumer perspectives in the design, delivery and evaluation of health services. Jake Bailey, Alexandra Nicholas, Koral Fitzgerald, Lynne Maher and MC Arrun Soma are just some of the incredible speakers at our upcoming event. Don't miss this unique opportunity to learn from these inspiring people. Register now to secure your spot. The early bird discount is available until 12 March. Find out more at: hqsc.govt.nz/OurVoices If the registration fee is a barrier to attendance, please contact us at consumers@hqsc.govt.nz to request a discount code before you complete your form. We also have 30 sponsored spaces available for consumers to attend this event. This includes travel, registration, transfers and meals. To apply for sponsorship, click here. Applications for sponsored places close on 12 March 2023. For any queries, please email us via consumers@hqsc.govt.nz or call us on 0800 275 742 (there is no charge for this call). Keynote speakers: Francis and Kaiora Tipene Francis and Kaiora Tipene from The Casketeers are passionate funeral directors and beloved Netflix stars. Francis (Te Rarawa) discovered his calling more than 13 years ago, with his first job at a funeral home in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland. Since then, his passion for the job has blossomed into a fully fledged vocation, with he and his wife now running their very own funeral directing business – Tipene Funerals. Kaiora (Te Rarawa, Ngāi Takoto) met Francis at Te Wananga o te Takiura (Māori training college), and now her role as company director is integral to the successful running of Tipene Funerals. Their aroha for their jobs, along with their success, led to the hugely popular Casketeers series as well as the release of their number one best-selling book, Life as a Casketeer: What the Business of Death Can Teach the Living. Francis and Kaiora share how they bring the traditional values of tikanga Māori into day-to-day living. Through their social media, Kaiora and Francis share their remarkable experiences and knowledge of a part of life that touches everyone eventually. Speaker: Alexandra Nicholas (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Raukawa, Rarotonga) Alex Nicholas brings to the forum her experience in whānau and consumer engagement and quality improvement in the health sector in Auckland and Northland. She has invested her time in work that contributes to advancing equitable outcomes for Māori, Pacific and marginalised communities in health and education. Read more here. Connect with Alex here. Speaker: Koral Fitzgerald Koral Fitzgerald joins the forum from the Canterbury Clinical Network. She shares the network’s ‘Kia Kotahi Partnership in Design’ framework to put people and whānau at the centre of health service design. Read more here. Speaker: Dr Lynne Maher Dr Lynne Maher has been the principal of co-design at Ko Awatea, Te Whatu Ora Counties Manukau (formerly Counties Manukau Health). For 10 years she worked in its centre for health system innovation and improvement. With a nursing background, Lynne is a champion of consumer and whānau engagement and has been a long-time advocate of co-design. She is now supporting a number of organisations to build capability and develop strategies to engage consumers and implement co-design in their practice. Read more here. Speaker: Jake Bailey Jake Bailey came to national attention with his experience of an aggressive cancer diagnosis when he was head boy at Christchurch Boys’ High School. He has since shared both his story and his approach to resilience and wellbeing with people in many countries and settings. Read more here. You can watch Jake’s speech as head boy here. MC: Arrun Soma Arrun Soma is known for his work in journalism, including for TVNZ and the BBC. His work has included providing media training for and preparing Sir Ashley Bloomfield for his 1.00 pm COVID-19 media conferences. He is the chief advisor for Abuse in Care – Royal Commission of Inquiry and the co-founder of Indian Origin Pride NZ. ![]() Consumer health forum Aotearoa | Wāhi whakawhiti kōrero hauora Members of the consumer health forum Aotearoa took part in a two-day co-design workshop on 21 and 22 February, planning how the forum can influence changes to the health sector for their communities. The workshops are run in partnership with Commission staff and Creative HQ in Wellington. ASB PolyFest He Hoa Tiaki | Partners in Care will be in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland for the ASB Polyfest held at Manukau Sports Bowl. Come and visit Lauagaia (Cat) Jeffries and DJ Adams at the Commission stall (A2 area) from Wednesday 8 March to Saturday 11 March. Pre-purchase your ASB PolyFest tickets here. What is co-design? Susanne Cummings is a senior peer support worker at Vaka Tautua. She explains what co-design is in 30 seconds. Consumer opportunities | Tā te kiritaki whai wāhi Want to get involved in co-designing health services and programmes?
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