All good things must come to an end! Over the past 6.5 years, our association has grown significantly, almost tripling its membership and now covering 27 countries, gaining visibility and recognition as the European reference in research for hydrogen and fuel cell technologies with increasing solicitations and exchanges with the European Commission and the European Parliament. The last two years have been particularly intense to ensure in close collaboration with Hydrogen Europe the continuation of a joint undertaking and the continued support not only for demonstrations and applied research but also for further basic research. With a stronger core team, we have also been able to offer additional services to our members through new working groups. As was saying Winston Churchill “Never let a good crisis go to waste”. In these unique circumstances of climate and energy crisis, Hydrogen Europe Research has a significant role to play in the development of a strong and leading European hydrogen industry and research, and in particular in the success of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership. It was a great pleasure and honor to chair Hydrogen Europe Research, and I would like to thank you all for your trust and support all these years. I wish all the best to the Board members and to the next President to continue with you to contribute to the success of Hydrogen Europe Research's efforts in the coming years. Merry Christmas and Happy and Healthy New Year! Kind regards, Laurent Antoni President, Hydrogen Europe Research HYDROGEN EUROPE RESEARCH NEWS AND ACTIVITIESHydrogen Europe Research Extraordinary General AssemblyLaurent Antoni, President of Hydrogen Europe Research, will resign from his position as of January 1, 2023. Consequently, an Extraordinary General Assembly of Hydrogen Europe Research will take place to elect a new President. The EGA will be held online at the end of January 2023 and is foreseen for two hours; the exact date will be confirmed shortly. Hydrogen Europe Research Webinar: Meet Our Members!Hydrogen Europe Research now counts more than 120 members from 27 countries across Europe and beyond. As we are growing so fast, we decided to organise a series of webinars where our members could introduce themselves, present their activities and get to know each other. Our objective is to foster cooperation among our members: we wish to create a platform that will allow you to identify potential partners and develop projects and collaborations. Many institutions confirmed their participation in the first webinar (which will focus on our members’ research activities on electrolysis); therefore, we will hold two sessions, on January 18 and on January 19, both from 11:00 to 12:00! We are preparing a rich calendar for the year 2023; the webinars will be organised by theme, according to the hydrogen value chain and the structure of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership. We look forward to the participation of our hydrogen community! CLEAN HYDROGEN PARTNERSHIP UPDATES2022 Call for proposalsThe second deadline of the 2022 Call for proposals has passed and the evaluation of proposals is close to finalisation. Applicants will soon be contacted with the result of their proposal. Successful consortia will then enter into the Grant Agreement Preparation phase. Should you have any questions on the grant agreement procedure, you can reach out to the Programme Office ( Annual Work Plan 2023Annual Work Plan 2023 is close to finalisation with an expected publication date in the second half of January 2023. The Clean Hydrogen Partnership Info Day presenting all the topics and including all the necessary information to apply will be organised by the Programme Office. This event should take place by the end of January 2023 and will either be in hybrid or fully online mode. The deadline for the 2023 Call for Proposals is expected for mid-April 2023. Annual Work Plan 2024Preparations for Annual Work Plan 2024 have internally started in the common Hydrogen Europe Research and Hydrogen Europe Technical Committees. Should you wish to get involved, please get in touch with our Innovation Manager, Louis Mazurkiewicz ( A kick-off webinar presenting all the activities and milestones for 2023 will be organised by the Innovation Team in early 2023 – more information will follow soon. NEWS FROM EUROPEHydrogen Europe Research Feedback: European Critical Raw Materials ActHydrogen Europe Research welcomed the consultation opened ahead of the publication of the European Critical Raw Materials Act proposal. Several critical raw materials are used across the hydrogen value chain; whilst researchers are already working on reducing and/or substituting critical raw materials in hydrogen technologies, simultaneous efforts must be made to develop reusing, recovering and recycling of these materials in the EU. Hydrogen Europe Research believes that policy measures to foster the recuperation of materials are necessary to improve the resilience of the value chain in hydrogen technology; HER remains available to reach out to experts in its network to provide further details on these questions and to support the needed evaluation of the state-of-the-art of CRMs supply and needs for the European hydrogen sector. EUROPEAN OPPORTUNITIESEuropean Framework Programme for R&I - Innovation Fund Synergies Workshop, 8 February 2023On 8 February 2023, the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA), the European Commission's DG Climate Action and Research and Innovation will organise a half-day virtual workshop on Innovation Fund synergies. The focus of the workshop is to gather participants from mature R&I projects funded under EU R&I funding programmes (notably Horizon 2020), to further explore funding opportunities to deploy their technologies under the Innovation Fund. R&I projects will have the opportunity to present their potential online in one of the breakout sessions; the deadline to register for the workshop is 16 December 2022. You can register here. MEMBERS’ NEWSWELCOME TO HYDROGEN EUROPE RESEARCH NEW MEMBERS! Following the approval of the Statutes (April 6, 2022), the Executive Board is now in charge of reviewing the applications received once per month and accepting new members. We are delighted to announce that since April 2022, the Executive Board welcomed 21 new full members! If you are not part of the Hydrogen Europe Research membership, and you would like to have more information on how to join us, contact us at! Click here to discover more about our membership criteria. Brunel University LondonFounded in 1966, Brunel University London is a highly regarded London university and a great place to study, renowned for its education and research and its spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship. Brunel is taking a leading role in the developing hydrogen economy by creating a master course in Hydrogen Engineering to upskill engineers and train new students in areas which will be needed for the energy transition. Center for Advanced Technology Technologies in Sarajevo - CNTPublic institution Center for advanced technology technologies in Sarajevo (CNT) was established in 2018, funded by the government of Canton Sarajevo. CNT aims to preserve the achieved level of technology and, at the same time, works on the adoption of new modern technologies in the field of energy and industry through research & development projects that are implemented thanks to 11 employees at the center and 25 external collaborators. EVENTS ATTENDED BY HYDROGEN EUROPE RESEARCHEU Hydrogen Policy Summit 2022 - 28-29 November 2022, Brussels, BelgiumThe EU Hydrogen Policy Summit 2022, which took place in Brussels on November 28-29, aimed to address the question of how we can best filter hydrogen policy from the international, European and national levels to help local regions, cities, towns and communities make the transition to zero carbon. Different stakeholders gathered to share knowledge and best practices on how to implement the changes necessary to best utilise hydrogen to achieve decarbonisation. Luigi Crema, Hydrogen Europe Research Board Member, was a speaker during the session “Unlocking Hydrogen Economy Potential”, during which he brought to the table some of the research and innovation taking place in the EU. Quad Workshop - International Workshop on Economic Aspects of Hydrogen Supply Chain, 6 December 2022, Kyoto, JapanOn the occasion of Quad leaders meeting in Tokyo on May 24, 2022, Quad countries (Japan-Australia-India-U.S.) confirmed their determination to further advance practical cooperation in addressing climate change, steadfastly implementing the Paris Agreement and delivering the outcomes of COP26. Recognizing the importance of clean hydrogen and clean ammonia as zero-emission fuels, Japan hosted the "International Workshop on Economic Aspects of Hydrogen Supply Chain" in Kyoto on December 6. Steffen Møller-Holst, Board Member, represented Hydrogen Europe Research and moderated one of the panel discussions. DON'T MISS THE NEXT EVENTS!Webinar: “Future Skills, Training And Safety Scenarios In The Maritime Industry” postponed to January 2023The webinar “Future Skills, Training And Safety Scenarios In The Maritime Industry” organised by The Danish Institute of Fire and Security Technology (DBI), scheduled for December 8, has been postponed to January 2023 (exact date to be confirmed). Julia Cora, Project Manager at Hydrogen Europe Research, will introduce the European approach to addressing future skills needs and present a concrete example related to the hydrogen sector. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER!Do you want to know more about Hydrogen Europe Research news and activities? Please confirm that you are still happy to hear from us! Give your consent here! |