Healthy FocusThe latest news and information from the
Women's and Children's Health Network
Healthy Focus is a bi-monthly e-newsletter providing you with the latest happenings and health advice from across the Women's and Children's Health Network (WCHN).
Winter campfire warningWill's gloves are a reminder of just how quickly a camping holiday can go wrong. Last year the 4-year-old tripped and fell hands first into a smouldering campfire pit. Thanks to fundraising from his family, a new campfire safety video has been launched to help others avoid the same situation.
Mental health help is hereWhen Ellissa-Mae had her first child everything seemed to come naturally, but after son Marcus was born, her mental health began to suffer. Ellissa-Mae shares her story and how she found the help she needed to turn her life around and repair her bond with her children.
Staff Spotlight - Meet Amy Amy Schwarz is a midwife in the My Place Program and recently won the Excellence in Practice – Registered Midwife at the 2023 Nursing and Midwifery Awards. Amy works with pregnant people who are in the Department of Child Protection care, providing support by joining them for antenatal appointments.
Creating connectionWhen 12 year old Mitchell was diagnosed with a form of glioma (a highly aggressive brain tumour), he was placed under the care of our Paediatric Palliative Care Service. This is where his family were introduced to Art Therapy (funded by the WCH Foundation). Find out how art therapy helped his family through this difficult time.
Calling parents and carersAre you a parent or caregiver of a child under 5 years of age within the past 5 years? CaFHS (Child and Family Health Service) are seeking people just like you to join their Consumer Advisory Committee to help inform planning, design, delivery and evaluation of its services.
Leading researchDid you know our Network is home to over 200 researchers, currently undertaking more than 400 projects? Our newly launched WCHN Research Strategy will ensure we continue to improve the lives of women, babies, children, young people and their families across South Australia and beyond.
Free flu vaccinesUnfortunately young children are more likely to catch the flu and end up in hospital. Little ones can’t protect themselves, so it’s important to give them the best protection with the flu vaccine. It reduces the likelihood of them becoming sick with the flu.
The flu vaccine is free for children 6 months to under 5 years. Book an appointment with your GP now.
Country fair fundraiserThanks to this stall at the Bordertown Memorial Hospital Easter Fair, $1200 was raised by The Friends of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital Inc. Bordertown Auxiliary Group which will help directly help the Women's and Children's Hospital.
Winter viruses and kids - Should I come to emergency?
Winter hits and so do the winter germs! At the Women's and Children's Hospital Paediatric Emergency Department, we've noticed an increase in winter viruses and our team has some helpful advice on how you can help look after your little (and not-so-little) ones at home. Visit here for more information on some of the better ways to get better and our Child and Adolescent Virtual Urgent Care Service is open 7 days a week from 9am to 9pm.
Channel 7 News captured the moment superheros were spotted scaling the windows of the Women's and Children's Hospital much to the delight of our young patients and their families.
The next master plan of the new Women’s and Children’s Hospital has been released, revealing key details about the benefits for South Australian women, children and their families.