Healthy FocusThe latest news and information from the
Women's and Children's Health Network
Healthy Focus is a bi-monthly e-newsletter providing you with the latest happenings and health advice from across the Women's and Children's Health Network (WCHN).
What Matters To You?Di is our Director of Consumer and Community Engagement and a mum of two avid basketball players. Read Di's personal account of how Person and Family Centred Care impacted her son's health journey.
Listening To Your ChildOur mental health experts have put together 6 simple tips to help you really listen to your child and explain how the power of your listening can be a game-changer for their mental health and well-being.
Playing To HealOur team of Play Therapists use fun and creativity to provide distraction therapies, minimise anxieties and help keep our patients engaged and entertained. Find out more about the healing power of play.
Ana's Story Bella (pictured) received treatment at our Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Paediatric Eating Disorder Service. She has written a powerful short story called 'Ana's Story' to recognise National Body Image and Eating Disorder Awareness Week. Warning: This story describes disordered eating and mental health issues.
Get The Party Started!Party Week 2023 was a special way of acknowledging our wonderful workers while also bringing fun and colour to our hospital and community sites.
Find out what we got up to and see the amazing efforts our staff went to with the theme 'Colour Your World'.
Walls Crawl With Lizards!Have you seen our two incredible new colourful murals at the WCH? They are thanks to the talents of artist Wendy Dixon-Whiley and our Arts In Health Program run by the Women's and Children's Hospital Foundation.
Staff Spotlight: Allied HealthAllied Health Professions Day acknowledges the incredible multidisciplinary teams who diagnose, prevent, and manage the health of their patients through evidence-based practices and informed decision making. To celebrate we introduce you to some of our amazing Allied Health staff.
Firefighters Help Burns UnitA Vascular Laser has been donated to the WCH thanks to the Australian Professional Firefighters Foundation (APFF) and The Friends of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital Inc. APFF members are often first responders to treats burns and road crash casualties with this donation aligning with the APFF members’ core values.
Future Of ResearchOur inaugural Research Week will launch on October 25 thanks to the support of the Women's and Children's Hospital Foundation. This 3-day event will showcase the exciting future of research, and the world-leading expertise at our Network.
Kristy Goodwin is a digital wellbeing author, researcher, speaker and Mum who’s endured her kids’ techno-tantrums from time to time. For children and young people today TVs, computers, gaming devices, smart phones and tablets are part of everyday life. There are also health and wellbeing risks if too much time is spent in front of screens, or devices are used inappropriately. Parents can help children stay safe and healthy as they get the most from these technologies by visiting Parenting SA and reading their guide.
Specialist Immunisation Service
ABC News reported on our specialist immunisation service, set up by nurse Madeleine Miels (left), which helps children with severe needle phobia. Since its launch, the service has helped about 180 South Australian children across 270 sessions.
Nation-leading Service Launches
Kiddo Mag featured our new Virtual Women’s Assessment Service which provides virtual care and referral to South Australian women with symptoms of early pregnancy loss, gynaecological concerns and pregnant women with nausea and vomiting.