No images? Click here ![]() Please be advised, the January e-Bulletin will be circulated on Wednesday, January 15. ![]() Replacement Heifer Target Weights Replacement heifer nutrition is tremendously important as it directly affects a heifer’s lifetime reproduction, longevity, productivity, and profitability in your herd. In dry years with limited forage supplies, heifer nutrition is a high priority needing extra attention to minimize potential long-term impacts for your herd. Nutrition for replacement heifers is also important in years with increased precipitation that may affect harvest timing and/or hay quality. ![]() Virtual Workshop ![]() Food Business Planning Workshop We invite you to join us for our free Food Business Planning Workshop, designed to help food processors learn, develop, and strategically expand their businesses.
You will gain access to planning support systems like This Commerce Life and BC Food and Beverage and connect with fellow food and beverage entrepreneurs who have successfully advanced their growth strategies, acquiring valuable expertise to help you compete in your target
Lab to Land ![]() Join us online to connect with researchers, farmers, agrologists, and policymakers from across the province. Grow your network and participate in thought-provoking discussions on adapting to climate change challenges at both farm and landscape scales. This multi-day workshop offers presentations, panels, and networking sessions exploring projects and research that are advancing agricultural resilience:
Thanks to funding by the BC Ministry of Agriculture & Food and CleanBC the workshop is available at no cost, registration is required. 🗓️📌This virtual workshop is on Jan 15 & 16, 2025, from 9am-12:30pm PST. Registration opens early December. Stay tuned by following @BCFoodWeb on their website and social media platforms: Instagram, X, and LinkedIn. ![]() The Southern Interior Horticultural Show is a B.C. Ministry of Agriculture and Food delivered project organized in partnership with the tree fruit and grape industries. This show offers producers a unique opportunity to get the latest information on research, innovation and farming practices directly from industry experts. This two-day event will cover a variety of important horticultural topics through extensive speaker sessions, evening networking event and an impressive tradeshow where exhibitors will showcase their products and services supporting the tree fruit and grape industries in B.C. ![]() Beneficial Management Practices (BMP) Program![]() Applications for Planning, Technical Assessments and Engineered Designs BMP will close Friday December 13th, 2024 at 4:00 PM. Don’t have time to complete your application? The BMP Plans & Designs category will be accepting applications again in 2025. Sign up for the BMP Newsletter to stay tuned. Knowledge and Technology ![]() The last day to apply for the Knowledge and Technology Transfer Program is Friday December 13th at 4:00PM. New for this intake: Applications will be adjudicated on a first-come, first-served basis. We encourage interested applicants to submit your application soon. To apply, visit the program webpage: Buy BC Partnership Program 2025 Save the Date – Buy BC Partnership Program 2025 Intake
Apply for a Buy BC logo license or find out more about Buy BC. Business Risk Management Programs ![]() B.C.'s agricultural producers face many business risks that are beyond their control (production losses, severe market volatility, extreme weather events or disasters); the Province’s suite of agricultural insurance and income stability programs can help you manage those risks. AgriStability Enhancement Program 2024 ![]() The Government of British Columbia has established the 2024 BC AgriStability Enhancement Program which offers greater coverage and helps agricultural producers manage income losses due to extreme weather, marketing challenges or natural disaster in 2024. ![]() Agriculture Water Infrastructure ProgramStream 3: Assessments, Engineering Studies or Plans Applications for Stream 3 of the Agriculture Water Infrastructure Program are open! Are you a Producer, Improvement District, Local Government, Non-Profit, or Community Group looking to complete an assessment, engineering study or plan before starting a water infrastructure project? You could be eligible for cost-shared funding! B.C. Agriculture and Food Export Program (BCAFE) Next Intake Opening January 2025 The Ministry is pleased to announce the next intake of the B.C. Agriculture and Food Export Program, an initiative supporting B.C.’s agriculture, food, and beverage exporters in growing their sales, reducing market risks, and building long-term sustainability. Enhanced Replant Program![]() Applications are open for the Enhanced Replant Program! Applicants have the opportunity to prepare and draft applications before submission. Stream 3: Berry Replant and Stream 4: Berry Removal/Renewal submissions open on Thursday, December 5, 2024, at 9 AM PT. Shuswap Watershed Council - Water Quality Grant Program Intake period is December 1st 2024 - January 31st 2025. Find the application and program details here: Other Programs Links to some other programs from other agencies that may be of interest that are open for applications:
Regional Recruitment and Retention of Veterinary Service Delivery for Food Animals (VET)![]() Applications open this December! VET supports the recruitment and retention of new veterinarians and registered veterinary technologists (RVT) to practices that deliver veterinary services for food-producing animals. Funding will be available through two streams: Stream 1: Regional Strategic Planning and Partnerships and Stream 2: Recruitment and Service Expansion. To learn more about the VET program visit the webpage and sign up for the newsletter to be notified as soon as full program details are available! Recruitment, Retention and Innovative Skills Program![]() The Recruitment, Retention and Innovative Skills Training Program (RRIST) applications open this December! RRIST supports industry adopt, implement and scale innovative tools, processes, practices and resources to raise awareness of, attract, retain, and develop people to work in agriculture and food. Applications will be accepted in a two-step application process, starting with an Expression of Interest (EOI), followed by invitations to complete a full application, if successful. Cross-Commodity Leadership Support Project - Events Calendar The Cross-Commodity Leadership Support Project (CCLSP) was launched in 2023 as a pilot forum for the tree fruit and wine grape industries to work together on common challenges and opportunities. The CCLSP maintains a collaborative tree fruit and wine grape calendar which is designed to streamline industry events, help prevent scheduling conflicts and broaden outreach. To view the live calendar or submit events, visit: Species at Risk Partnership on Agricultural Land (SARPAL) Applications Are Open ![]() The SARPAL Program is open for applications! ![]() Looking for Information on Drought?![]() Please see the Drought in Agriculture webpage Livestock Drought Management updates
Highly Pathogenic Avian ![]() British Columbia is currently experiencing a serious Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Outbreak. As the virus arrives with migratory birds, poultry owners should be implementing high biosecurity measures to protect their flock. Agriculture Water Storage and Community Collaboration ![]() On November 21, the Agriculture and Water Initiatives Working Group of the Kettle River Watershed Advisory Council held a workshop for agricultural producers in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship (WLRS), and Kootenay-Boundary Regional District. Guest speakers included:
The workshop resulted in some good discussions on some of the concerns and priorities for those living in the Kettle river water system. Here are some of the key takeaways. Keys to effective community collaboration:
Water storage can be an effective tool for managing water availability with many options. The following are some good resources and reminders:
New Research Brief ![]() A study conducted outside of Vernon, BC found that placing leftover logging debris from timber harvesting in riparian areas deterred livestock from grazing in these areas, leading to better riparian ecosystem health. ![]() A study conducted in Delta, BC found that enrolment in agricultural stewardship programs improved on-farm climate mitigation and adaptation. Specifically, farms experienced an increase in soil organic carbon stocks by 60-70% and improved soil water regulation. Agricultural stewardship programs are a great way to drive positive environmental change as they help farmers cover costs associated with adopting management practices such as growing hedgerows and cover crops. Farm Tourism Guide A new industry resource on farm tourism in B.C. is now available. What to Do with Excess Manure? In certain regions of British Columbia, it may be more difficult to effectively manage surplus manure for a variety of reasons including, but not limited to: cost of land, transport costs to distant fields, and increasing quota to meet market demand. Herd Management and Feed Considerations As summer transitions into fall weather conditions, herd management and feed considerations are important for winter planning. Effectively monitoring herd health and adjusting feed quality/quantity are critical for making informed management decisions. Balancing these factors can significantly impact both productivity and profitability, especially when considering actions like adjusting herd size and/or feed rations. This article offers strategies for optimizing herd management during challenging conditions such as drought, by focusing on pregnancy testing, early weaning, body condition scoring, and alternative feed sources. Pasture Walks and Field Scouting Whether you have forage fields or pastures, it is important to get out and walk the land to evaluate what is happening throughout the growing season. A quick look at soil health and moisture, along with plant vigour and productivity can help you evaluate what is going on and make decisions on the next steps. This article provides information on pasture walks and field scouting, along with some guiding questions for forecasting and looking ahead. This is the second article in the monthly Livestock Drought Management Article Series. All articles can be found here: Drought articles - Province of British Columbia ( Accommodation For Employees The Ministry of Agriculture and Food would like to remind producers who have employees living on site, or are providing housing for employees off-site, that the accommodation must abide by the Industrial Camps Regulation. The B.C. Guidelines for Industrial Camps Regulation is a helpful resource that provides guidance, best practices, definitions, and interpretation of the Industrial Camps Regulation. Access to Feed Program Available to all livestock producers. Emergency Supports Needed The Emergency Management Branch of the B.C. Ministry of Agriculture and Food creates an annual emergency resources list which is used during emergencies that impact the agriculture sector. The list includes hay & feed suppliers, livestock haulers, and water haulers whose assistance may be needed during emergency events. ![]() Follow the link below, follow, like and share! |