July Progress Summary
St Aubins Town Square
Blocks 1 & 2 (Kingdon to St Aubins Streets) – West and Medians
Block 1 (Kingdon to Liverpool
Streets) – East
Installation of storm water lintel on Kingdon St
Final base course infill
Completion of storm water lintel outside NAB
Completion of kerb and pram ramp at NAB
Completion of Traffic Control System (TCS)
Transport for NSW pavement rectification works
Continuation of footpath works
Commencement of irrigation works
Commencement of landscaping works
Block 2 (Liverpool to St Aubins Streets) – East
Completion of paver banding and Equine Walk of Fame plaques
Completion of planting and landscape works
Water main repair works
Intermediate asphalt layer, including Liverpool St intersection
Installation of line marking, signage and street furniture
Opened to traffic
Block 3 Corner (St Aubins to Susan Streets) - West
Works Planned for August
Block 1 (Kingdon to Liverpool
Streets) – West & Medians
Completion of footpath construction
Completion of landscaping and Equine Walk of Fame plaques
Intermediate asphalt layer
Installation of line marking and signage
Opening of road to
All other Blocks in Stage 1 and St Aubins Town Square
Block 3 Corner (St Aubins to Susan Streets) - West
We will continue to provide updates on the project's progress. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you for your ongoing support.