No images? Click here WA agribusinesses target Thailand market![]() Twelve Western Australian agribusinesses are participating in the WA stand at ThaiFex ANUGA 2023, southeast Asia's largest international food and beverage, food technology, retail and franchise annual tradeshow held in Bangkok, Thailand, this week. On display at the stand – funded by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development – are WA seafood, dairy, strawberries, and an array of gourmet value-added products including black truffle oil, salt, honey and honeycomb, lupin-based flour and pasta products, breadcrumbs, and rubs and sauces. WA agribusiness exporters participating on the WA stand will have the opportunity to connect with more than 60,000 buyers from Thailand and IndoChina that will be visiting ThaiFex ANUGA during the week of the exhibition. Thailand is a promising export market with a rising disposable income and a large visitor market driving increasing demand for imported food and beverage products, creating opportunities for WA exporters. Thailand is WA's 22nd largest agrifood export market valued at $114 million in 2021-22 and is a growing market for WA’s value add and perishable sector. Source: DPIRD | Related: WA food products being showcased in Thailand Source: WA Minister for Agriculture and Food | Photo: DPIRD [L-R: Peter Schutz, The Lupin Co; Mathew Clarke, SME Connect.] For the second year, the Plating Up WA campaign has been extended internationally, with over 20 venues in Singapore serving Western Australia's finest ingredients for patrons from 23 June to 23 July. The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development's Buy West Eat Best initiative is being supported by the Invest and Trade Western Australia Singapore office for the Plating Up WA: Singapore Edition, providing Singaporean consumers with the opportunity to experience the diverse and delicious flavours of Western Australia. Participating restaurants will be showcasing a variety of dishes made with locally-sourced ingredients, including WA Wagyu beef, marron, truffles, and seafood. For all Western Australians, the annual Plating Up WA campaign is taking place across the State from 1 to 30 June, with more than 40 restaurants, cafes, and bars participating, offering a variety of dishes that celebrate the best of WA ingredients. The Plating Up WA campaign is a great way to support local businesses and producers, and to enjoy WA's finest food and drink. For more information on participating venues and dishes, please visit the Plating Up WA website. More... Source and Image: Buy West Eat Best ![]() The Western Australian wine industry is celebrating the end of a promising 2023 vintage with expectations for outstanding quality wines. The season was typified by a cool wet spring followed by a consistent summer with no significant heat extremes and low disease pressure, boding well for flavour development and an excellent vintage. The State Government is supporting the development of the WA wine industry through research and development, international market development and biosecurity delivered by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD). DPIRD's Geology, soils and climate of WA's wine regions publication was launched to WA's wine industry at its end of vintage celebration. The guide provides technical information for wine producers to convey the special characteristics of WA's wine regions and differentiate WA wines from other regions both nationally and internationally. Supporting research led by DPIRD is examining the sensory attributes and elemental composition of wines that are heavily influenced by the soils and climate in the region. The work is funded through the Wine Industry Export Growth Partnership, a collaboration between industry and government and as part of the Future Food Systems Corporative Research Centre. More... Source: WA Government | Photo: Wines of WA [At the end of vintage celebration last week, L-R: Jane Kelsbie MLA, Member for Warren-Blackwood; Rebecca Stephens MLA, Member for Albany; Larry Jorgensen, Wines of WA Chief Executive Officer; Jeff Burch, Chair APC Wine Producers’ Committee (Owner Howard Park); Hon Don Punch MLA, Minister for Regional Development.] The Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology (AIFST) is holding a workshop for food businesses on New Product Development, the process of bringing a new product to the marketplace. This workshop will provide the opportunity for your business to gain insights into several aspects important the success of new product launches – ingredient and nutrition trends, food regulation, sensory assessment and protecting your intellectual property (IP). Join AIFST on Thursday 29 June 2023 from 1pm until 5pm, at The Hub Bentley Technology Park, for a great line up of food industry professionals and learn from their experience in bringing new products to the market. This is an in-person event. AIFST member tickets are $40, non-member tickets are $100. More… Source and Image: AIFST Kuwait has extended the shelf-life limit of chilled vacuum-packed beef from 90 days to 120 days, reports Austrade in a recent market insight. The extension was applied on 10 November 2022. This comes after shelf-life extensions by other countries in the region, including Saudi Arabia. Other Gulf States are also considering extending the shelf-life of chilled vacuum-packed meat. Extended shelf-life for vacuum-packed meat reduces freight costs by enabling Australian chilled meat to be shipped via sea rather than air freight. Depending on the destination and consignment weight, air freight can be 5 to10 times more expensive than sea freight. Longer shelf life also allows products to remain on sale for longer. This leads to reduced wastage and higher returns for retailers. Producers and exporters should contact their Middle Eastern importers or Austrade to explore potential opportunities for meat exports to Kuwait and the broader region. They should continue to monitor the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry’s Market Access Advice notices for further updates to shelf-life regulations. Australia exported a record $626 million in agriculture, fisheries and forestry products to Kuwait in 2022. More... Source: DAFF / Austrade | Photo: Jan Dommerholt / Unsplash [Kuwait City, Kuwait] The World Trade Organisation (WTO) has opened online registration for this year’s Public Forum – titled It is Time for Action – to be held at the WTO’s headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, from 12 to 15 September 2023. The Forum will examine how trade can contribute to a greener and more sustainable future. It will explore how trade can facilitate access to environmental goods, services and technologies, help achieving the Paris Agreement's Nationally Determined Contributions, and maintain the ambition to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels. The Forum has three subthemes: the role of the services sector in sustainable trade; inclusive policies for the advancement of green trade; and digitalisation as a tool for the greening of supply chains. Individuals interested in attending the Forum should complete the online registration form no later than 17 August 2023. Participation at the Forum is free of charge. For those unable to attend in person, livestreaming of many sessions will be available on the WTO website. The WTO has also launched a call for proposals for the Forum. The deadline for submission of proposals is 15 June 2023. More... Source and Image: WTO Further informationAgribusiness, commercial fishing and aquaculture news from the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD). If you have any questions or information to share, please email Subscribe to Western Australian Agrifood Export eNews. Important disclaimer Copyright © State of Western Australia (Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development), 2023. ![]() |