Dear Friend,
Happy July 2024.
This should be the summer to build your ROAR plan! What have you been thinking about? Learning something new to build on your existing career? Launch a whole new career or business? Or become a Head of Longevity Marketing, like this month's guest columnist Mafalda Honorio? Now that's a cool job! You may want to build a new Life Layer (for those of you who joined our Life Layering course, you have a lot of actionable tools), go back to school, start a new fitness regimen or find a new relationship or friend! Time to write the new script for your second half of life!
It's all possible. At ROAR, we love introducing you to people and ideas that help you along that journey. This month, we want you to meet Allison Arden, who just completed a Master's degree in Psychology in her 50's. She is also the founder of The Elements of Us, a framework with the goal of helping to navigate mental health in the workplace. We also introduce you to Luciano de Bernardini de Pace, my former colleague, who relocated from Milan to his native Puglia region to launch a new pasta company. At 71, he is setting off on his own Reimagination! These two Re-Imagineers join a tribe of age innovators who have embraced the idea of an exciting new second half of life! Check out more of
them on our website, While you are at it, connect with me on LinkedIn and follow ROAR forward on Facebook and LinkedIn for more content around The New Longevity.
This past month, I've been on a European "ROAR Tour," spreading the word about The New Longevity. I started in Lisbon at Catolica Lisbon Business School to give a lecture at the exciting new weeklong program on Longevity Leadership. Check it out for next June. Then, it was on to Cannes LIONS to meet with global clients. Next stop: Milan and then London to give the keynote at the Silver Marketing Association's annual summit. I even squeezed in a personal weekend in the jewel of Antwerp, Belgium. |