Healthy FocusThe latest news and information from the
Women's and Children's Health Network
Healthy Focus is a bi-monthly e-newsletter providing you with the latest happenings and health advice from across the Women's and Children's Health Network (WCHN).
Jhanvi's Liver TransplantAt 14 days old, Jhanvi was diagnosed with a rare liver disease and her parents were told she would need a liver transplant.
One year later they received the call to say a liver donor had been found.
Read Jhanvi's story, as told by her Mum.
Excellence Awards 2023 Our annual Women’s and Children’s Health Network Excellence Awards 2023 were recently held with 11 awards presented at a ceremony, celebrating the excellence, hard work, innovation and leadership shown across our Network. Find out who won!
CaFHS ConnectionsNew mums Tori, Theodora, and Kiana share a special bond of motherly support since they first met at their Early Parenting Group, run by the Child and Family Health Service (CaFHS). Find out what these groups can offer new parents, how to join and other helpful parenting resources.
Ethan's US Diabetes Visit12 year old Ethan (who receives treatment for Type-1 Diabetes at the WCH) recently represented Australia at the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) Children’s Congress in the US. Find out more about him meeting Kevin and giving insights to help inform diabetes policies.
Percy's Story Percy was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate and was the first patient to undergo Naso-Alveolar Moulding (NAM) therapy at the WCH. This new service is a joint initiative of the Cleft & Craniofacial SA and Paediatric Dentistry Units, and funded by the WCH Foundation thanks to the generous support of SA Power Networks Employee Foundation.
New Parenting AppThe Early Years app provides SA families with trusted resources and information about their child's learning, development, health and wellbeing and complements their Blue Book. Download now for free.
Breastfeeding SuccessAfter the birth of her second baby, Katherine was grateful to benefit from the expertise of the Women's And Children's Hospital (WCH) staff’s breastfeeding support. Find out more about the support services we have available and our latest breastfeeding accreditation.
Volunteer Partnership Students Lin and Lucy are studying to improve their English and become baristas and now thanks to a work placement partnership with The Friends of the WCH the two are now regular volunteers in our hospital shops/cafes, Vic's and Rainbows.
What is the Aboriginal Liaison Unit?
Meet Jess and Louisa who are Aboriginal Liaison Officers from our Aboriginal Liaison Unit. They are part of the team who work at the Women's and Children's Hospital and visit all Aboriginal inpatients and outpatients with the aim of ensuring their medical, practical and cultural needs are met. The Aboriginal Liaison Unit also offers a place for Aboriginal people to gather whilst visiting the WCH. The team were also finalists for the Excellence and Innovation in Aboriginal Health Award in our recent WCHN Excellence Awards 2023. Visit here for more information.
Xavier's Special Birthday Visit
Channel 9 News captured the moment that 6 year old Xavier was surprised by his favourite Port Adelaide FC player, Xavier Duursma while celebrating his birthday on our Michael Rice Ward.
Hospital School Mental Health
A specialised mental health program that is run by the Hospital School SA and our Child and Adolescent Health Service (CAMHS) is capturing global attention, as ABC News reports.