No images? Click here ![]() ![]() In our first newsletter of 2025 we have several January learning opportunities to highlight and some big programs taking applications in preparation for the coming year. The Kootenay Soil Building Network is kicking off a series of web meetings, and the first of the BMP application windows open in the coming weeks. The January newsletter includes: Upcoming winter events
Programs and Funding Opportunities
![]() Winter Zoom Discussion Series for the Kootenay Soil Building Network (KSBN) Each Kootenay farm has a unique soil type and different access to farm inputs to build soil. It’s expensive and the quest to build organic matter that produces abundant high quality crops is never ending. The Kootenay Soil Building Network (KSBN) is a venue for farmers to share their successes, questions, and tribulations with soil building in the Kootenays. Regular online Zoom discussions will be grounded with examples from Kootenay farms who are forging ahead with soil building practices and feature guests to help discuss soil and field questions. Hosted and facilitated by Rachael Roussin with the Kootenay and Boundary Farm Advisors and Jeff Nimmo with the BC Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Zoom Discussion Dates/Times: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm PT
Register via the KBFA website: Kootenay Soil Building Network - KBFA Virtual Workshop January 21, 2025 session for Vegetables and Grains Are you wondering how to understand your soil test report? Join the Ministry of Agriculture and Food staff learning how to understand your soil analysis report. Provincial soils staff will be on hand, including Ahmed Lasisi (Soil Carbon Agrologist), Josh Andrews (Nutrient Management Specialist), and your Regional Agrologist. What to expect during the workshop: Help with understanding how to interpret soil analysis reports - crop nutrient requirements, and fertilizer application rates - selecting fertilizer products and alternatives To register, please visit: KBFA webinar - Agriculture Funding Opportunities Are you curious about funding opportunities for your farm or ranch operation? Join a panel from Kootenay Boundary Farm Advisors to learn about eligibility and application deadlines as grant season kicks off. Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2025 Southern Interior Horticulture Show ![]() Agenda available online – register now! This two-day event will cover a variety of important horticultural topics through extensive speaker sessions, evening networking event and an impressive tradeshow where exhibitors will showcase their products and services supporting the tree fruit and grape industries in B.C. Full agenda is now online at the conference website: Southern Interior Horticultural Show REGISTRATION: General Admission after December 13, 2024: $75 + Tax Virtual Nutrient ![]() Nutrient management plans (NMPs) are used to help farmers efficiently meet their production objectives and protect the environment. This NMP training program will provide trainees with the expertise to use planning tools and produce NMPs as a service to farmers or for their own farm. Course content focuses on how to build a plan that meets objectives laid out in the Code of Practice for Agricultural Environmental Management. The Ministry of Agriculture & Food is organizing a one-full day online facilitated session of the NMP training course. Before registering for this course you must have completed the online modules via Open School B.C. Visit the nutrient management plan training website to learn more. Date: February 26, 2025 Participants will receive the Zoom link prior to the event day. For further inquiries, please reach out to Ahmed Lasisi at 2025 BC Organic Conference ![]() Organic BC is excited to announce our 2025 BC Organic Conference! We hope you can join us from Tuesday, November 25th - Thursday, November 27th in Harrison Hot Springs to reconnect, exchange ideas and learn from experts. More details will be released as they become available. For now, you can learn more about our conference at Are you CanadaGAP ![]() Are you interested in pursuing CanadaGAP certification but are feeling overwhelmed by the process? Concerned that certification will mean increased paperwork and operational complexity? ![]() EFP & BMP Program Updates EFP Expiry Grace Period: A 6-month grace period is available for expired EFPs if renewal delays are beyond the applicant’s control. Please confirm eligibility with IAF. Farm Cap: A farm cap of $100,000 applies, superseded only by a $200,000 cap for Water Infrastructure (WI) projects. BMP applications that open this January
New Book a Call Option: After the application for a category opens and you have started a draft file on the IAF portal - you can now book a 10-minute consultation with an IAF staff member. Draft application and ID (e.g., BMP-202425-0####) are required. Tree Fruit Climate Resiliency Program The Tree Fruit Climate Resiliency Program invites eligible businesses to apply for a cost-shared funding opportunity that aims to increase farm-level resilience and preparedness to extreme weather events that threaten the competitiveness of British Columbia’s tree fruit sector. The program will provide 80 percent cost-share funding for eligible projects up to a maximum of $100,000 per farm business.
![]() Free support for farmland lease agreements Young Agrarians offers free lease agreement support for folks currently leasing farmland. This is a sometimes overlooked part of the land matching program. With real estate values at an all-time high, many new farmers are leasing instead of buying farmland. However, some of these lease agreements are just bare-bones documents or handshake deals. According to Farm Credit Canada, a detailed, written land use agreement (longer than just one to two pages) is a critical yet often neglected piece of farm business management that could save both parties time and money – especially if anything ever goes wrong. Young Agrarians can help you protect your farmland or farm business! The B.C. Land Matching Program is a free service that can walk you through creating a robust land sharing agreement. Your agreement will also be reviewed by a lawyer, all at no cost to you! For the Kootenays and Boundary areas, we are fortunate to have Nyree Marsh as our Land Matcher. Reach out to for more information or to get started. ![]() Updated Trickle Irrigation Manual Now available for free online! This represents a significant modernization of an important resource that was previously only available in hard copy through the Irrigation Industry Association of BC (IIABC). The manual provides comprehensive guidance on trickle irrigation system design and operation for British Columbia conditions, covering everything from system flow requirements to specialized applications for greenhouses and landscapes. You can find the manual at: The Stewarding Agricultural Watercourses Action Plan Publication ![]() The Stewarding Agricultural Watercourses project, initiated in 2021, seeks to enable and encourage improved stewardship of agricultural waterways on private land in British Columbia. Phase 1 of the project consisted of engagement with producers, government staff, environmental professionals, and NGO's to gain an understanding of the stewardship barriers facing producers with agricultural watercourses and then develop a plan to address these challenges. The culmination of the first phase is the Stewarding Agriculture Watercourses Action Plan which is now publicly available. Phase 2 is now underway seeking to implement actions identified in the plan. To read the Action Plan and learn more about the project visit the website. Exciting updates from the Knowledge and Technology Transfer Program (KTTP): A total of 49 knowledge development and hands on-learning events were approved through the 2024 intake, which closed on December 13th, representing a funding commitment of over $210,000 to the agriculture and food sector. Many events have already been delivered and more are expected to wrap up by Spring 2025! Here are a few examples of completed events that were supported by the program:
Stay connected with AgriServiceBC for announcements from the Knowledge and Technology Transfer Program and future program intakes. New Research Brief ![]() Recent field trials across 20 organic vegetable farms in southwest BC found that using compost to meet crop P needs, paired with a high-N organic fertilizer to meet N needs, can work well on farms with moderate to high soil P. However, the best approach depends on farm context like compost and fertilizer cost, and soil P and organic matter levels. Read the research summary here: Follow the link below, follow, like and share! |