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ASEE Surveys - September 2022 Updates and Announcements

Dear Colleagues,

Please see below for the latest announcements from the Institutional Research & Analytics department at ASEE.

1. 2022 Profiles Survey - Opening Announcement

The 2022 Profiles Survey will open on September 19th, 2022. It will be accessible via the https://survey.asee.org site in the My Surveys section.

  • If you do not already have an account on this site, you will need to create one. You can email the data inbox and request it, or register on the login page.
  • If you do have an account on the site, but forgot the password, you can use the password reset link on the login page.
  • If you are unsure if you have an account or not, or if you are locked out, email the data inbox.

This survey will close on January 31st, 2023. As we have in the past, we will be able to work with institutions who need more time to submit data before the end of the survey cycle if they communicate a need for an extension to us.

2. 2021 Profiles Survey - Update and Final Changes

The 2021 Profiles Publication and Engineering & Engineering Technology by the Numbers will be posted in the EDMS by September 23, 2022. 

The full set of data is available within the EDMS. Please email data@asee.org if you are having trouble accessing this.

3. Flat Files - October 13th Workshop

For institutions who fill out the survey using a flat file format, there will be a workshop on October 13th. This structure can be used if you prefer to automate reporting of tenure-track faculty, degrees awarded and enrollment. You must submit the spreadsheet with matching program and department information in addition to the flat files. Flat file submission can be helpful if an institution has a lot of degree programs. You can build a template query that produces a csv (appropriately structured) which is uploaded without having to manually enter in program enrollment and degree awarded counts. This could be useful for institutions with more than a few degree programs. 

Please indicate your interest here: https://forms.office.com/r/LpqKKAVUWG.

Thank you for your time. As always, please contact data@asee.org for any questions about the above.

Take care,
The IRA Team                                                                               
Department of Institutional Research & Analytics
American Society for Engineering Education
Inspiring Innovation. Advancing Research. Enhancing Education.
data@asee.org | ira.asee.org