No images? Click here The Western Australian Government Government is helping WA agrifood and beverage businesses to capture export market opportunities at upcoming international trade events. Interested business are encouraged to submit an expression of interest to participate in any of five key trade exhibitions to be held in Asia and the Middle East from February to July 2025. Food, beverage, and hospitality events have proven to be a great avenue for WA businesses to showcase their products and establish trade relationships. Schedule of events to July 2025
89 WA businesses represented their brands at five international agrifood and beverage trade shows in 2023-24 at Tokyo, Shanghai, London, Singapore and Dubai. Previous participating businesses spanned honey, dairy, seafood, red meat, bakery, packaged foods and alcoholic beverages. The EOI closes on 26 November 2024. To lodge an expression of interest to participate in 2025 trade shows, please visit the webpage here. For any questions please contact Source: DPIRD | Image: ![]() India is Australia’s fourth-largest export market and the fifth largest trading partner with two-way trade totalling A$49 billion, and is now one of the biggest, long-term growth opportunities for Australian businesses. Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) will deliver the India Market Update Roadshow in eight Australian cities, involving a total of 22 sessions across 4 priority sectors, with upcoming sessions scheduled between 19 November - 6 December 2024. The Perth Seafood and Sheep Meat updates are scheduled for 29 November 2024 and 2 December 2024 respectively. The India Market Update Roadshow 2024 is a great opportunity to:
The roadshow comprises of market briefing events, panel discussions, industry partner and peer-to-peer events, targeting Australian businesses in these priority sectors: Agrifood, Critical and Enabling Technology, Education and Skills and Green Economy. The sessions highlight improved market access for Australian businesses, including the upcoming further reduction in tariffs under ECTA that will take effect on 1 January 2025, and the significant economic opportunities available to them in India. Express your interest now? Please submit your registration online. For more information, please contact the Austrade South Asia Business Exchange team Source and image: Austrade ![]() Australia has the opportunity to cement itself as one of the key beef suppliers into Southeast Asian markets – as the appetite for beef continues to grow among the region’s consumers, according to agribusiness specialist Rabobank. In its just-released report Growth opportunities in South-East Asia for Australian beef, the bank said there is an expectation the South-East Asian region will continue to experience growth in beef consumption – in the order of two to three per cent per annum over the next five years – and imports will be needed to meet the majority of this growth. Report author, RaboResearch senior animal proteins analyst Angus Gidley-Baird said a large population base and increasing wealth in key Southeast Asian markets – including Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam – present an opportunity for Australian beef to position itself as a high quality but value focused supplier for consumers through foodservice and grocery channels. Mr Gidley-Baird said geographic proximity, trade agreements and product offering gives Australia a strong advantage in supplying countries in the region. “Leveraging this advantage and further developing relationships and business partnerships as well as working to meet their product needs can help Australia capture future growth opportunities,” he said. Southeast Asia represents the fifth largest export market for Australian beef, Mr Gidley-Baird said, taking approximately 10 per cent of the country’s exported beef volume and value in 2023. Source: Rabobank | Image: DPIRD On 21 November - World Fisheries Day , Western Australia proudly celebrated maintaining its global leadership in sustainable fisheries management, as revealed in the latest State of the Fisheries report 2022-23 earlier this year. The report demonstrated 96 per cent of stocks assessed as not being at risk or vulnerable to fishing and more than 90 per cent of the State's fishery value accredited by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) as sustainable. The report highlighted MSC certified fisheries like Western Rock Lobster, West Coast Deep Sea Crab, West and South Coast Abalone, Shark Bay Prawn, Exmouth Gulf Prawn, Peel-Harvey Sea Mullet and Blue Swimmer Crab, Pearl Oyster, Octopus and Sea Cucumber continue to support WA's strong economy and regional communities. The strong management in place, underpinned by world-class fisheries science work conducted by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development has supported recent quota increases for lobster and deep sea crabs on the South Coast and sustainable development of WA's unique octopus fishery. The Government's strong sustainability track record has supported additional recreational opportunities through resumption of fishing for Southern Garfish, Blue Swimmer Crabs in Cockburn Sound, and abalone fishing from Moore River up to the Greenough River Mouth. Source: WA Gov | Image: DAFF Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has launched a new comprehensive report illustrating how free, fair and open trade and investment contributes to Australia’s prosperity and lifts our living standards. This report provides a body of evidence explaining why international trade and investment are critical to the Australian economy and our prosperity. It illustrates how trade and investment settings have changed over time and played an important role in growing and shaping Australia. Download full publicationSource and image: DFAT Further informationAgribusiness, commercial fishing and aquaculture news from the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD). If you have any questions or information to share, please email Subscribe to Western Australian Agrifood Export eNews. Important disclaimer Copyright © State of Western Australia (Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development), 2024. ![]() |