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Our role as peak body is empowering people and communities to enrich WA and we work closely with our members to unearth the latest trends in volunteering and build the capacity of the sector to be responsive and adaptive to changing circumstances as they arise. We have had a very productive 2021-22 year that saw our teams support volunteering across the State. Our continued investment in sector support services, training for volunteer managers to strengthen volunteering programs, technology infrastructure (volunteer recruitment and management software), and corporate volunteering programs remain our key priorities to build capabilities of volunteer involving organisations. As we roll out our new strategic plan we are also focusing how we can attract more people into volunteering and redesigning volunteering to fit with our diverse and busy lifestyles. As we race towards the year’s last quarter, I’d like to highlight four key activities in the volunteering calendar for the coming weeks: 1) Our annual member survey will be arriving in your mail box soon, and I’d like to encourage all members to provide feedback on Volunteering WA's work over the past year, as well as challenges and opportunities you have faced. Your feedback and knowledge is extremely important in helping inform our work, making improvements and shaping our services for the coming year. 2) National Volunteering Strategy consultation is forging ahead with Visioning Workshops taking place across WA. If you missed this opportunity, you can still participate, as Volunteering Australia will be announcing more dates for online workshops shortly. 3) Save the date – our reputable and highly popular Volunteer Manager’s Forum is back. We’re delighted to bring this in-person event to you on 7th Nov 2022. More details are below. 4) Finally, I’d like to invite members to attend our 2021-22 Annual General Meeting where we will report on our achievements for the year. It will be held at Bankwest Place, on Wednesday 19 October, please also see details below. I thank our valued members, volunteers, and partners across the State that have helped us develop and deliver our priorities. Working together we build stronger communities. Happy volunteering, Tina Volunteering WA News ![]() International Volunteer MANAGERS Day Forum Tickets on sale | Volunteering WA will be celebrating International Volunteer Managers Day with an in-person forum to be held Monday 7 November 2022 in Perth. The forum will be a celebration of those who lead volunteers with guest speakers, fun and engaging activities and will include morning tea and lunch. Date: Monday 7 November 2022 Includes morning tea and lunch. Tickets on sale until 31 October. International Volunteers Day Garden Party Tickets on sale | Please join us on Thursday 1 December in the stunning lower grounds of Government House for the annual International Volunteer Day Garden Party. Date: Thursday 1 December 2022 Includes canapés, refreshments and entertainment. View photos from last year's beautiful afternoon garden party on Facebook. Tickets on sale until 18 November, or until sold out. ![]() Case study | Supporting Ability Heroes to plan, write and advertise effective volunteer position descriptions Volunteering WA met with the Ability Heroes team to review and better understand their organisational goals, website functionality, and their current needs. Ability Heroes have ambitious goals for the coverage and access of their information but were struggling to find enough volunteers to realise their vision. Through Volunteering WA’s Volunteer Management Activity program, our team was able to work with Ability Heroes to address some of their challenges for recruiting volunteers. Read the case study. Support services for volunteer involving organisationsIf your organisation has a volunteer management query or requires support please contact Volunteering WA. For common queries we can reply with information and resources, and if you require one-on-one support we can escalate your need to our volunteer management team thanks to support from the Australian Government Department of Social Services. Volunteering WA Annual General Meeting Volunteering WA [Volunteer Centre of WA Inc.] will be holding its Annual General Meeting in person on Wednesday 19 October 2022 at 3.00pm at Bankwest Place, 300 Murray Street Perth WA 6000. We extend a warm welcome to all our members, State and local Government, partners, corporate supporters, and volunteers to join us for the meeting. Please RSVP through the Volunteering WA website. Continuing Professional Development 22-23 intake We are now taking registrations for the 2022-2023 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program. This program supports your continuing professional development by formally recognising the work you are doing to raise the standards of volunteer leadership in your organisation and across our state. By completing the required professional development over the financial year, you will receive the right to use the post-nominal PLV (Professional Leader of Volunteers) after your name. Learn more about the CPD program here. Welcoming new Volunteering WA team membersRead all staff and Board bios on the Volunteering WA website. ![]() Desiree Walsh | Volunteer Management Activity Project Coordinator Nicola O'Brien | Administration Officer Nicola works alongside our sector services team to support the member services, training, events and volunteer management activity teams. ![]() October workshop series for volunteer managers Where noted, the following workshops are subsidised by Volunteering WA and offered free for a limited time thanks to funding from the Australian Government Department of Social Services. October 2022
Spaces are limited, register soon to avoid disappointment - see all upcoming training. Subscribe to the new training alerts email for reminders on upcoming development opportunities. *Free* Plain Language and Easy English Accessibility Workshop Wednesday 12 October, 1:00pm - 3:00pm >> Register online Dr. Scott Hollier, from the Centre for Accessibility, returns to Volunteering WA, after his very popular “Making your Website Accessible” series of workshops. In this brand-new training opportunity, Scott will focus on the benefits of using Plain Language and Easy English. This workshop hosted by the Centre for Accessibility is designed to support and encourage participants to communicate clearly and convey content to people of all abilities through your website and social media pages. Some of the benefits of plain language and Easy English include readers understand your messages quickly e.g., volunteer role descriptions, it benefits everybody, including people with disabilities, people who use English as a second language (ESL) and expert readers and it is easily searchable on websites. Welcome new and renewing members Volunteer involving organisations can enjoy the benefits of membership, including significant training and events discounts. Find out more. SECTOR NEWS Advocating for volunteering and wellbeing Volunteering contributes to progress on many national priorities, including tackling mental health and addressing climate change. In the lead-up to the October Federal Budget, Volunteering Australia supports the Treasurer’s aspirations for wellbeing indicators and a Wellbeing Budget that can better reflect what people value. Wellbeing Budgets measure progress on a broader range of measures than the more traditional fiscal and economic considerations. Volunteering is a uniquely good indicator for community wellbeing as it captures social connections, physical and mental health, sense of purpose and connection to place. Societies that prioritise wellbeing, prioritise volunteering. Read more. Volunteering Research Network Please join us for breakfast on Tuesday 8 November to meet with others engaged in volunteering research in WA. Professor Kirsten Holmes, Chair of the Volunteering Research Network will provide an overview of activities and forthcoming events. If you are involved or interested in volunteering please join us. Volunteers in the Health and Social Care Workforce Survey Volunteers play a vital role in the health and social care workforce in WA. The WA Department of Health is preparing a workforce strategy and our latest policy submission calls for volunteer contributions to be recognised and for an investment in volunteer management. Please read our full submission to the 10-Year Health and Social Care Workforce Strategy. 2023 National Volunteering Conference Presenter Expression of Interest now open The 2023 National Volunteering Conference is Australia’s leading event on the volunteering calendar. The conference will focus on the next ten years and explore how, together, we can build a better future for volunteering. Contribute your voice by submitting an Expression of Interest to present in Canberra on 13-14 February 2023. Volunteering Australia is welcoming EOIs from anyone with an interest in volunteering – volunteers, volunteer management professionals, researchers, industry partners, corporates, government, peak bodies and other associations. Expressions of Interest must be submitted online by 5pm Friday, 30 September 2022. >> 2023 National Volunteering Conference Presenter Expression of Interest Form Expressions of Interest for Summer McCusker Interns McCusker Centre for Citizenship is now calling for Expressions of Interest from community, not-for-profit and government organisations to host an intern in Summer 2022. Find all the important information, dates and deadlines, and resources on the McCusker website. Replenish your organisation's PPE and RATS The Department of Communities continues to support community service organisations by providing Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) and/or Personal Protective Equipment and Clothing. Access the online request form. Free RATs are also available for the disability sector, including bulk orders by eligible organisations. Visit the web page to find out more. Guide: Work health and safety for volunteer organisationsEveryone has the right to be safe at work, including volunteers. Volunteers play a vital role in communities across Australia and make significant contributions by carrying out unpaid work for a variety of organisations every day. The WHS for volunteer organisations guide provides information on how the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 applies to organisations that engage volunteers. It outlines the primary duty that organisations employing workers and engaging volunteers have under the WHS Act and explains how to meet this duty. View the PDF on the Volunteering WA website. | 08 9482 4333 | Volunteering WA empowers people and communities to enrich Western Australia. |