News and resources from the community-managed mental health sector No images? Click here ![]() ACT Mental Health Sector UpdateIn this Sector Update, find:
Our next Sector Update will be in 5 July. Let us know if you have anything you'd like us to include by replying to this email. From Vicky![]() Dear friends, It’s been a big year for us so far, and I am immensely proud of the outcomes the team and I have delivered. I extend my thanks to Rahni Orr Deas, Erin Stewart, Sebastian Rosenberg, Louise Crossman, Yvonne Luxford and the MHCC ACT Board. We all know that the ACT Government needs to invest much more in community managed mental health. Of course, we want to see investment in the form of funding, but I’d also like to see it in the form of acknowledgement. Acknowledgement of that value we bring to the community. Acknowledgement of the challenges we face. Acknowledgement that at some stage, every person will be directly or indirectly affected by mental health challenges. Acknowledgement of the importance of peer support and lived experience. Acknowledgement that the ACT needs a truly joined-up mental health system, that connects people to the right services when they need it. I hope the impact of our communications to local Ministers and politicians results in positive change. To catch you up, this week we finalised MHCC ACT’s Election Platform and we will be circulating this with the political parties, media, and broader Canberra community leading up to the ACT election. Keep an eye on our social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X) and your inboxes for the Election Platform launch. We have also been out and about engaging with members. While I’ve not had the opportunity of meeting every one of you in person, I thank you for your continued efforts, collaboration, and unwavering commitment to serving our community. I also met with Dr Sarah Miller, Deputy Coordinator General at the Office of Mental Health and Wellbeing, who works alongside Dr Elizabeth Moore. Sarah has deep expertise of and knowledge in the mental health and wellbeing space. We had a fantastic conversation, and it became clear that we share many values and viewpoints. I would like to acknowledge Elizabeth Moore and thank her for her leadership and support and wish her well for the future at the conclusion of her position at the end of June. Coming up, we will be attending the 2024 SiTara’s Story Gala on the 22nd of June. This highly anticipated event will be an evening dedicated to women empowerment, gender equality and mental health awareness. Proceeds will benefit the culturally and racially marginalised (CARM) communities in Canberra as well as the mental health awareness programs within marginalised groups in Bangladesh. Get your tickets today! Lastly, thank you for welcoming and supporting me. It has been truly energising and inspiring to be a part of MHCC ACT and the broader sector, and I look forward to staying connected. - Vicky Choice, Director of Engagement and Partnerships MHCC ACT From Yvonne![]() Hi Folks, As you are all aware, MHCC ACT’s CEO Melanie Poole is currently on parental leave. Melanie has made a request to extend her leave through until August and the Board has approved her request. As such the Board wanted to advise you, our members, and key stakeholders, of the arrangements we have in place to ensure the continued successful operations of MHCC ACT until Melanie’s return. To provide leadership and operational support until Melanie returns, the Board have engaged Kylie Burnett, supported by Brendan Egan to cover the duties of a Chief Operations Officer, reporting through to the Board. They will provide an extensive handover to Melanie upon her return. Kylie and Brendan will start to accompany Vicky and Sebastian on some of their engagements so that they can formally meet our members and key stakeholders to ensure they are across the organisation’s priorities and operations. Vicky Choice will continue as our Director of Engagement and Partnerships, in line with her contract through until the end of June 2024, supported by Sebastian Rosenberg. Sebastian will continue through until Melanie’s return to ensure a smooth transition. Rahni Orr Deas will continue in her role as Events and Engagement Manager. Emma Davis also commenced with MHCC ACT until such time as the Office Manager and the Policy and Advocacy Manager roles are filled. Please reach out to Kylie at or the Board if you would like to discuss. - Yvonne Luxford, Chair, MHCC ACT In our sector![]() In the newsACT Greens to establish four fully bulk-billing GP clinics to deliver 160,000 free doctor's visits (if they win) | Riotact Seeking participantsEntrees in ACTEntrees are an introduction to The Men’s Table through stories and dialogue over dinner for men interested in being part of The Men’s Table. They are an opportunity to experience how a Table works through open sharing over a relaxed and conversational meal, and to decide if joining a Table is for you. The ticket cost includes a meal and registrations are limited to 16 men. 2024 ANU-ALIVE National Lived-Experience Priorities StudyA focus on 16-25 yearsThe 2024 ALIVE Lived Experience research priority-setting study is focused on the views of young people who have lived experience of mental ill-health, and/or as a carer, family or kinship group member supporting someone with mental ill-health. This year, they have decided to offer more than their usual survey and co-design, and you get to choose how you would like to take part. There are four different participation methods to help generate and prioritise mental health research topics. Read about each briefly below and click the links to read the information sheet and consent to participate. Online survey Alive's brief online survey asks you some questions about your age, gender, location and type of lived experience. If you have carer, family or kinship group experience, they also ask you some questions about how you see your role. Alive then ask you to list three priorities for mental health research from your own perspective. And that’s it. Click here to read the full information sheet and complete the survey. Photo interview If you would prefer to have a chat with someone about your ideas, Alive are doing online interviews. You can bring along some photos to help frame the discussion. Like the survey, you will be asked to list three priorities for mental health research from your own perspective, but you can talk about them a bit more. Click here to read the information sheet and sign up for an interview, and Alive will be touch. Crowdsourcing Feeling creative? Alive's community crowdsourcing platform lets you upload images and videos to go along with your text descriptions of your research priorities. This might be photos, artwork or brief videos that describe your priorities. As part of Alive's prioritisation process, the crowdsourcing platform also lets people vote on your ideas, and you can vote on theirs. Click here to read the information sheet and sign up to the platform. Emotion mapping Want to work with ideas put forward by other young people? This is your space! In emotion mapping you will have a private online Mural board workspace where you can use virtual post-it notes to reflect on the importance of topics and think about how they should be organised. Click here to read the information sheet and sign up for the emotion mapping, and Alive will be in touch. The ethical aspects of this project have been approved by the ANU Human Research Ethics Committee (protocol H/2024/0495) Help make Canberra the world’s age-friendliest cityCommunity consultation has begun on a 10-year plan to make Canberra a great place to grow older. The ACT Government will develop the next Age-Friendly City Plan 2025–2035 to set the direction and priorities to make Canberra a place where everyone can age well. Canberrans are being asked to share their thoughts and vision for an inclusive, accessible and welcoming city where people are celebrated as they grow older. The consultation will cover five focus areas, including:
There are a number of ways Canberrans can share their views:
Climate Change Adaptation Planning Toolkit - Community Service Organisation SurveyMany CSOs play an important role in assisting the community to cope with disasters, including those that are climate related. Many also provide critical services that cannot afford to be disrupted by such disasters or by other impacts caused by a changing climate. This survey will give the Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate (EPSDD) a better understanding of your service and how it operates. What's on![]() Upcoming eventsTraining and workshops
Conferences and forums
Opportunities and resources![]() Expressive Pathways Expression of InterestExpressive Pathways is Rebus' non-accredited work ready program, for people aged between 17 and 24, living with intellectual disabilities and/or neurodivergence. Expressive Pathways uses the power of theatre to equip young adults living with disability with the skills to help them thrive in the workplace. Over one year a Rebus Theatre Director and a registered Trainer and Assessor, will guide participants through Foundational Workplace Skills. This program is only open to people who have left school already. Healthcare Sector women’s leadership scholarshipPartial scholarships of $1,000-$5,000 are available to help women in select industries participate in world-class leadership courses. My Rights My Decisions WorkshopsDelivered by the Mental Health Consumer Network, My Rights, My Decisions (MRMD) workshops help you to think about the things that are important to you if you become unwell in the future. You will learn how to complete your Form Kit, including when you can complete it, what you can write in it, how to lodge it for future use and more. By the end of the workshop, you will:
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