No images? Click here ![]() The signers of the Declaration of Independence signed a pledge of their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor. Carter Braxton was a wealthy plantation owner from Virginia and was a signer of the Declaration of Independence.After signing the Declaration, he lost his ships to the British Navy, sold his property to pay off his debt, and died a poor man. John Hart, another signer of the Declaration, was forced to flee his home, leaving behind his dying wife and 13 children. After the war, he returned home, his gristmill and fields were destroyed, his wife died, and his children vanished. Weeks later, he died. Of the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence, five signers were captured, tortured, and died. Twelve had their homes destroyed. Two lost their sons fighting the British. Nine of the 56 died from wounds fighting the British. These signers were men of comfort who were and did risk everything to stop oppression and fight for liberty. If you are interested in learning more about what happened to the signers, see the website As we celebrate the 4th of July and the signing of the amazing Declaration of Grievances against the world superpower England, a document declaring our independence from tyranny, "we must ask what we have done?" Modern-day America seems more like the England we revolted against than the promise of what so many fought and died for. Our government has been weaponized against us. The arrest and conviction of the opposition candidate for President, who is leading in the polls, with a tainted jury pool and a judge intent on ensuring the guilty verdict he sought, is one of many examples. Another sad example is the selective enforcement of laws depending on what party you belong to or who you are. The increasing disparity between the haves and have-nots, massive government spending that drives us into debt we can never recover from, and helps create inflation, the hidden tax on the working class, failed schools, immigration invasion, and war against Russia over Ukraine! The list goes on and on, further exasperating the feeling among Americans that this government no longer works for us but only for the select few. Thomas Jefferson warned us in his famous quote, “The government you elect is the government you deserve.” What have we done to allow this tyrannical government to threaten us? What have we done to allow a government that no longer serves the interests of the people who made this country great but only serves those with the power and money to serve their interests? Too many people have enjoyed the comforts of this great nation without the civic responsibility to protect what was provided to us. Too few people take the time to vote; in the 2022 election in Delaware, not all Republicans voted. What have we done to not muster great candidates, volunteers, and donations needed to support these candidates? As we approach this July 4th holiday and enjoy the backyard events, time at the beach or pool, and watching fireworks, please think about what the Declaration of Independence represents. Also, think of the sacrifice that those 56 signers faced and the sacrifice of our military forces who, for some, as Abraham Lincoln said, gave “their last full measure of devotion.” in defense of our country. In his Gettysburg Address, President Lincoln further admonished us that the greattask remaining was to “…take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave their last full measure of devotion.” It is time to honor what so many sacrificed their lives for us. It is time to get involved to save this Republic. It is time to take that increased devotion. God Bless America, always. ![]() Vice-Chair of the Delaware Republican Party |