Our achievements of the year, future plans and HSJ results No images? Click here March 2022Leadership for Personalised Care NewsletterHello to our lovely network of leaders, (please open this newsletter in browser if you cannot see the image above, by clicking the link at the top) I hope this newsletter finds you well. It's a pleasure for me, as director and co-founder of this programme, to welcome you to our first newsletter of the year. And what a year it's been! Last week I had the joy of celebrating our achievements of the last two years with the team at the 2022 HSJ partnership awards. To be nominated for best educational programme for the NHS is a testament to the work we do and mission we push every day and though we didn't win the award, our win is in the amazing people we have met along the way: you, our network of leaders. We have many exciting plans coming up in the new financial year, and last week our team was lucky enough to spend some time together in person, with some of us meeting for the first time. We finalised our plans for this year and make the following promises: - our communications will be more frequent, - our webinars and workshop offers will be more numerous, - and our range of ways for you and your networks to act on your enthusiasm for our mission will be even wider. The Leadership for Personalised Care network is one where leaders can finally find their tribe of people who are striving for the same things, to shift the focus in health from ‘what's wrong with you’ to ‘what matters to you’. And we will continue this, together. I look forward to interacting with you more. I hope to see many of your faces and hear many of your stories in the coming months. Thank you and see you soon,
HSJ Partnership Awards 2022 - An evening to remember!As most of you who follow our news will know, the Leadership for Personalised Care team were at the HSJ Partnership Awards last week. We were able to finally come together as a full team, with some of our fabulous experts who helped us design and deliver our programmes and our partners from Attigo Coaching and Development, NHS Leadership Academy, and InControl. See above any faces you can recognise!
We were attending after being shortlisted as finalists for Best Educational Programme for the NHS, something we are extremely proud of! Although the night didn't end in a win, being shortlisted is recognition enough of the hard work, passion and impact of our leadership development programmes have had since our early beginnings in 2013, and most especially since our expansion in October 2019. Well done to the winners, Kyowa Kirin, for addressing alcohol misuse through education and partnership.
It was a brilliant night to come together and be in one room with like-minded teams and partnerships, all passionate about improving the health and social care system and people's lives a huge variety of ways. Find the list of winners and finalists here. On a final note, we would like to thank every one of you who has participated in one or many of our programmes and workshops - what makes our work worth it is the network we are able to unite, and we will continue to do so!
Looking back at the last two years - 2300 leaders trained since October 2019As we start a new financial year next week, and when presenting our work to the HSJ panel, we were able to pause and look at what we as a team and network had achieved over the past two years - and the numbers blew even us away. We know, thanks to evaluations and testimonials we collect from our programme participants and alumni many years later, the true impact we can have. However, when looking at data and graphs, the spread and reach we have managed is all the more visible, thanks to you. So what are did we achieve these last two years? - We delivered 3 different programmes, all in different formats. - Triggered by Covid-19, we adapted our ways of working by adopting new technologies - we now offer fully online and flexible programmes, hybrid programmes and front-facing programmes.
- We developed our online presence, increasing our following 900 fold on twitter and launching our YouTube channel and very own website. Many of you will have interacted with us on social media already, please continue to do so! Also... look out for our FutureLearn course coming soon!
- We successfully started and have nearly completed our second regional cohort, and due to the large number of high quality applications, we commissioned extra cohorts in certain regions, bringing a total 400 new leaders to our network.
- We are happy to have had a great spread across the country and across the health and social care sector - see both graphs with data from our regional participants.
What else? - We have interacted with the young leaders of tomorrow through workshops with the NHS Graduate Management Trainee Scheme. - We have embedded ourselves into different programmes by delivering workshops across the NHS and system. - We have reached leaders in 60 of the 102 NHS trusts. - And we have impacted around 1300 different organisations across the health and care system, reaching around 20,000 individuals. We have grown and we will continue to grow with your help and support. We look forward to what 2022-23 has to offer - look out for all our new offers coming soon!
Thought-piece: Understanding the impact of leadership for personalised care - what difference are you making?As mentioned above, the LPC programme to date has reached nearly 2500 leaders across over 1300 organisations. Through previous evaluations conducted over the years since our inception, both internal and external, we now know that the programme has enabled growth (self-reported) in confidence and knowledge in the following leadership capabilities and behaviours aligned to the competency framework: - Flexibility and Openness, - Facilitative and Collaborative Style - Driving Transformation and Change, - Strategic Intent See below the growth in percentage, from self-reported evaluation between the beginning and completion of our programmes:
We are sometimes confronted with the challenge, and this is widespread across Personalised care, of evidencing the true impact we have through our programmes - our impact is long-term, spread-out and therefore difficult to measure in simple numbers. As a result, we decided to take a next step in our evaluation process, to explore the 'and so what?....' of our work: What difference have each of you as leaders gone and made in your place, to the lives of the people you service? To support us in understanding the impact of the leadership development programmes, we have commissioned the Institute of Employment Studies Institute for Employment Studies (IES) (employment-studies.co.uk) to undertake this next important step in our evaluation journey. They have a process which is holistic and in line with our work, as it is centred around stories and people. The process recently started with exploratory interviews with a view to understanding the purpose behind our mission and will continue over the next few months. This is where you, our network will be able to come in. Over the next 6 months, we will be reaching out to our alumni to seek your input into this evaluation. We look forward to receiving as many stories from you as we can - everyone will have a different experience of applying the LPC learnings in their systems, and they are all as important and valuable as each other In the meantime, for more information please contact our Head of Programmes, Heather Simpson at heather.simpson14@nhs.net
Opportunity for connection with our network!
This newsletter is the first of a regular newsletter we will be sending out approximately every 6 weeks. We hope through this, and our other communication routes, to stay in contact with you much more. We want to utilise our platforms to ensure our network can be more and more interconnected and continually learning from each other. For every newsletter, we would like to include content from YOU, our network, alumni and participants. For example. we would love to include: - Interviews and Case Studies to spotlight the ways you are embedding the mission across your systems. - Events, publications, newsletters, programmes etc. that could be relevant to this network - Questions, challenges, blog pieces you want to share with the network. Perhaps it's something you have found useful in applying LPC values? Perhaps a call for help with a challenge you have faced? Please get in touch with us on england.leadership@nhs.net if you want to share something with us for the next newsletter, or fill in this form and we will be in touch. And this brings our newsletter to a close! We look forward to sharing our plans for the year with you soon, and connecting with you in our upcoming programmes and workshops. In the meantime, please stay connected through our socials below. Until next time, The Leadership for Personalised Care Team