Welcome to your moment to ROAR!
Issue # 24

Dear Friend,

Happy December!

At the end of the year, it's time to think about how we have given back to those in need during the year. In the second half of our lives, most of us have more capacity to make donations, spend time with important causes, and be of service to others.

In my family, we were always taught that we had to commit to others to become whole human beings. From an early age, I was involved in raising money for charities, and as an adult, fundraising continues to take up a significant portion of my time. I've served on multiple nonprofit boards, including chair roles and leadership positions. I'm currently on three nonprofit boards in education and the arts.

Some friends and I started a foundation called Circle of Generosity. Our mission is to give random acts of (financial) kindness to individuals and families in need. You can learn more about us on our website, and below are some photos from our annual fundraiser earlier this month.

As a committed lifelong learner, I returned to school to earn a master's degree from Columbia University in nonprofit management. I think you get the picture of the passion that I have for giving back.

Whatever your interest, I hope you will consider your commitments to others in 2024.

This time of year is also when we all want to spend quality time with those we love. Community, relationships, and connections are vital for our well-being, especially as we continue to live longer. Loneliness can be as damaging as physical sickness. Reach out to those who are important to you.

Here I am with my soon-to-be 91-year-old Dad. I just visited him and his wife, Kathleen. I know that genetics have less than a 20% impact on our longevity, but I'm hoping that I'm just like Dad, as he is on his game with books, current events, and more. I'm convinced he will get to 100 and is a card-carrying member of what the New Longevity looks like!

This month, we have some wonderful voices around the magic of midlife and how you can boldly embrace this chapter and ROAR forward with purpose and passion. We also have two Re-Imagineers who will share their personal journeys of reinvention. (See all of our Re-Imagineers at ROARforward.com.)

At ROAR, we want to help you identify your future path and develop your next life layer. Earlier this month, you received an email probing you on some ideas to help us shape our offering. Thank you for the feedback. As members of the ROAR community, you believe in constantly reimagining your life in every way. 2024 is your year to step out and realize your favorite future. Have a wonderful holiday season and get ready to ROAR forward into the new year!


Meet a Re-Imagineer
Ron Minutella
Ron Minutella
From Corporate Finance to Professional DJ
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Yolanda Taylor
Yolanda Taylor
From the airline industry to founder of At The Style Table
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How lifelong learning can create a new chapter in the second half

ROAR by the Numbers

The “Meet the Re-Imagineers” survey conducted by ROARforward and NRG found that frontrunners in the New Longevity movement believe we need to get rid of the concept of retirement and think in terms of rewiring and refiring into the second half of life.

Take a Moment

There is a major movement in the farming community to reimagine how changing agricultural practices might save the world from climate disasters. The documentary Common Ground offers an amazing look at how these farming Re-Imagineers are leading the way. It was an honor to join Donna Karan, along with director Josh Tickell, executive producer Regina Scully, co-host Gally Mayer, and many others for a screening of this important film. Watch the trailer here:

One more thing...

Every year, my adventure travel group and I embark on a new discovery. We’ve climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro, run marathons on every continent, hiked in the Simien mountains of Ethiopia, and in 2023, we did a nine-day hike to Everest Base Camp, then ran the Tenzing Hillary Everest Marathon down. Read the story of our adventure here.

For 2024, we have already planned our trip to Western Australia with some exploring and hiking in the Kimberly, the vast outback in the Northwest. Thanks to lots of frequent flyer miles, we get there from NYC to Dubai to Perth.

You may not want such adventures in your life, but what is your plan to explore the world in 2024?

Make it a priority with family and friends. Build some memories. Here’s to your wanderlust!

In case you missed it

Issue #23 - ROAR November Newsletter - Reimagine the Second Half of Life

Read Now

Issue #22 - ROAR October Newsletter - The era of the Re-Imagineer is here!

Read Now

Issue #21 - Time to ROAR into the fall with your Reimagination plan!

Read Now

ROAR into the second half of your life (before it's too late)
ROAR into the second half of your life (before it's too late)

In ROAR into the Second Half of Your Life - Before It’s Too Late, longtime publishing executive and author Michael Clinton offers those considering midlife transformation a proven process to achieve a passionate and fulfilling life. With expert insights and actionable techniques, the book offers an empowering path for reimaging and embracing your future through a dynamic process called ROAR:

Reimagine yourself
Own who you are
Act on what’s next
Reassess your relationships

Michael shows readers how to ROAR into their future. Demonstrated through his own example, along with tips, resources, and true stories from over forty people who didn’t let their age or other setbacks stop them, readers will aspire to pursue their goals and get back to a life well-lived. Prescriptive and inspiring. ROAR will motivate, entertain, and transform readers.

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