Western Australian Agrifood Export eNews
Bravo for increase in apple exports
Exports of the Western Australian bred Bravo apple have defied market trends and will more than double this season, on the back of strong market growth last year. The latest shipment of the striking Bravo left Fremantle port last week, where local apples have been exported for more than 85 years.
The Bravo continues to grow in popularity with an estimated 450 per cent increase in global exports this year to Hong Kong, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and the United Arab Emirates. This is despite export market difficulties due to the impact of the COVID pandemic, demonstrating the resilience of the industry and the success of locally-driven global marketing campaigns.
More than 6,000 tonnes of Bravo apples are expected to be harvested across Australia this season, up 30 per cent on 2021. This is the seventh harvest of the variety, which was bred and developed at the State's Stoneville and Manjimup research stations over 20 years. More...
Source: Minister for Agriculture and Food | Photo: DPIRD
AIBC event: Time to take a fresh look at Indonesia
The Australia Indonesia Business Council (AIBC), in partnership with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, invites you to attend the third event of the National Industry Series 2022: Indonesia: It’s time to take a fresh look, focusing on Indonesia's agribusiness and food sector.
As one of the world’s foremost producers of safe, high-quality and nutritional foods, Australia has a well-established reputation in Indonesia. Indonesia is Australia’s sixth largest agriculture, fisheries and forestry export market valued at $1.9 billion in 2020.
Exports to Indonesia are predicted to steadily increase as rapid urbanisation and Indonesia's rising middle class drive the expansion of modern retail and foodservice outlets, giving consumers greater choice and more diverse fresh food options.
This free event takes place in Melbourne and online on Wednesday 15 June 2022 at 10.30am AWST and includes a keynote address from Midfield Group’s Dean McKenna on the opportunities for Australian exporters in Indonesia’s agribusiness and food sector. Richard Simonaitis, Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre (AEGIC) will also be speaking. More... Source: AIBC | Photo: Ifan Bima / Unsplash [Oro Oro Ombo,
New service helps dairy processors get export ready
Australian dairy producers and processors can now get personalised one-on-one help to start exporting.
The Dairy Export Facilitator Service, available from the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE), helps businesses take the first steps to get export-ready and navigate the export registration process. Several dairy processors have used the service to successfully register and export their first shipments.
Clint Mossman, one of DAWE’s Export Facilitators, says the Facilitator Service reduces the time it takes for businesses to get registered for exporting.
"For a business that is new to exporting, understanding the requirements can be time-consuming," he says. "The one-on-one assistance we provide helps businesses cut down the time from application to registration."
Contact DAWE at DairyExportSupport@awe.gov.au for more information. More... Source: Austrade / DAWE | Photo: DPIRD
Why Australia Benchmark Report 2022 released
Australia’s health and economic response to COVID-19 has put its recovery among the world’s leading nations, according to new analysis of global data.
The Why Australia Benchmark Report 2022 shows that Australia is recovering well from COVID-19, highlighting its attractiveness as a destination for global investment and trade.
The report, produced by Austrade, compiles key economic, financial, social and demographic data from respected national and international sources.
Australia’s economy has shown resilience and adaptability to multiple shocks over the last two years. The country’s economy is now 3.4% larger than it was prior to the pandemic. International trade remained strong in most sectors, partly thanks to high commodity prices. Australia’s ability to attract foreign investment helps keep the economy on strong foundations. More... Source and Image: Austrade
Finance and trade lessons learned from the pandemic
The COVID-19 crisis has made clear that pandemic policy is economic policy, and global collaboration is critical, a World Trade Organisation (WTO) virtual event on 20 May 2022 was told.
The event focused on the finance and trade lessons learned as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the path forward. It was attended by government officials, WTO members, and those with responsibilities relating to the implementation and negotiation of trade, intellectual property, finance and public health issues.
Entitled Finance and Trade Lessons from the Pandemic — Looking Forward – the event featured a presentation by Ruchir Agarwal, senior economist at the International Monetary Fund and Head of the Global Health and Pandemic Response Task Force.
Discussions explored lessons learned regarding the rationale, sources, timing and scope of financing; financing frameworks; research and development; production; and cross-border flows of goods and services during the pandemic. It also mapped key considerations for the way forward. More... Source: WTO | Photo: Ian Taylor / Unsplash