A warm welcome back from a summer where I hope you were able to find new inspiration for the coming year. While most of you were on holiday in July, we received the message that our application for a new Creative Europe grant was successful! This is great news for the whole AEC family. In this newsletter, you can read more about the grant that will enable us to continue our efforts to ensure that music and music education will continue to thrive and contribute both to enriched lives and to a more sustainable world. The importance of music and music education is also at the top of the agenda when the AEC welcomes the newly elected Members of the European Parliament. Concerns about a possible increased influence of parties critical of European values and cooperation were thankfully put to shame. Read more about the forecast for the European policies in this newsletter. A new exciting academic year lies ahead of us. Warm greetings to all staff, teachers and students, especially those entering our institutions for the first time. Let's make the coming year a fantastic and rewarding time, where together we will learn and inspire the world around us by using the power of music. Finn Schumacker, AEC Executive Director Meet the new politicians responsible for the Cultural and Creative Sector in the European Parliament and read more about the policies that will guide the decisions on how to further develop the sector. The new grant will provide financial support to the AEC for the period 2025-2028. AEC Active and Associate members will be invited to actively participate in the new scheme of Working Groups, Task Forces and Stakeholder Networks. The results of the AEC Goes Green WG survey, highlighting the eco-friendly needs and practices of the HMEIs, are now available! The report also features inspiring examples of green practices from the sector. Responding to the wishes of many members and the increasing diversity of its network, the AEC is thrilled to announce the creation of this working group. Apply now! On 2 and 3 July, the d@rts Consortium gathered for the project’s first meeting in Bodø, Norway which is one of the 2024 European Capitals of Culture. dialoguing@rts - in short d@rts - is a Horizon Europe project. From 1 to 6 July the VIETMUS Project welcomed representatives from European and Vietnamese partners for a training at KBC in Brussels. After a fruitful 2-year partnership, the LOST HERITAGE AND MUSIC project is successfully coming to an end. Find out more about its results. The AEC joined the SHIFT Culture eco-certificate pilot project for cultural networks, supported by Creative Carbon Scotland with auditing partner Vector 42, The Netherlands. On 6 September, the 2024 AEC Annual Meeting for International Relations Coordinators will be enriched by a performance of the Erasmus Orchestra. MusiQuE’s event, planned on 2 October 2024 in Brussels, promises an enriching line-up of distinguished speakers who will share their expertise and insights into quality assurance in music education. Join the 2024 Network Performing Arts Production Workshop (NPAPW24) at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre from 11 to 13 September 2024. Rising orchestral musicians, concert pianists, conductors, and composers from all around the world are invited to apply for OAcademy Artist Diploma, running from January to June 2025. We are happy to share with you the Annual Activity Report for 2023. It contains summaries for all AEC events and activities. AEC Events 4 to 7 September - Royal Irish Academy of Music in Dublin, Ireland International Relations Coordinators Meeting 14 to 16 November - Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi in Milan, Italy AEC Annual Congress & AEC Vacancy Platform |