San Benito County Campus UpdateThe Measure X bond program team continues working diligently to keep this top priority project moving forward. Latest updates: - Blach/QKA/Gensler were selected as the Design-Build Entity.
- DSA approval is anticipated in December 2022.
- Construction is expected to
begin in January 2023.
Campus Renderings (subject to change):
Gavilan College Gilroy Campus Update
Projects in DesignLibrary and Student Resource Center (LSRC)Construction of a new, state of the art Library and Student Resource Center. The new Library will replace the aging Library and incorporate Student Services functions into one location. Budget: $50,783,698 Status: Design-Build Entity (DBE) Selection Process: - Requests for Qualifications (7 received)
- Request for Proposal (3 received)
- Flint / JKAE selected
- Pending Board of Trustees award
Schedule: - January 2022: Criteria documents started
- April 2022: Selection of the Design-Build-Entity begins
- November 2022: Board of Trustees awards Design-Build-Entity
- December 2022: Design and construction documents start
- August 2023: Division of State Architect (DSA) review begins
- February 2024: Start of construction
- July 2025: Building occupancy
(Winning Bid Design Concept, subject to change)
(Interior Concept, subject to change)
(Campus Core Concept, subject to change)
(Campus Gateway Concept, subject to change)
STEM CenterCurrent Budget: $25,174,463 Board Approved Scope: Modernization of existing facilities and new construction of a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Center. This project will include general lecture classrooms, science and computer labs, study areas, and faculty and support staff offices. The district is exploring a more extensive scope for this project.
Theater ModernizationCurrent Budget: $20,735,757 Board Approved Scope: Renovation and modernization of the existing Theater Building (TH). The district is exploring a more extensive scope for this project.
Wayfinding and Signage
(Sub-project #3201-07 Site Improvements, Security and Infrastructure)Status: Construction documents underway. Schedule: - May 2021: Contract approved
- June 2021: Design documents start
- January 2022: Construction document starts
- October 2022: District review
- January 2023: Bidding starts
- August 2023: Project completion
(Renderings subject to change)
Completed Projects (#3201 Site Improvements, Security and Infrastructure)
Pedestrian Bridge Total Budget:
Financial closeout underway Completion Date:
August 2022
Energy Management System Upgrade Total Cost: $367,400 Completion Date:
May 2022
Boiler System Upgrade Total Cost: $3,157,579 Completion Date:
April 2022
Fire Alarm Upgrade Total Cost: $530,238 Completion Date:
December 2021
Pool ADA Upgrades Total Cost: $15,470 Completion Date:
June 2021
Water Infrastructure Improvements Total Cost: $33,907 Completion Date:
June 2021
Thank you!Gavilan College would like to thank the community for their support in passing Measure X. Along with this opportunity, comes responsibility. The District is committed to the responsible stewardship of all bond funds. Measure X will fund capital improvements that will preserve quality education for years to come. The improvements made possible by this voter-supported bond measure will allow us to continue our mission to assist students in achieving their educational and employment goals.