New research for the volunteer sector RESEARCH DIGEST 2022 Issue 1Welcome to the latest compilation of academic and other research from Australia and around the world relating to volunteering and volunteer involving organisations. We have pulled together a variety of research, to supplement your knowledge of important trends and current or new opportunities for volunteering. We provide an easy to read summary of the key points allowing you to identify and focus on what is most relevant to you. In this issue:
The Research Digest is produced twice a year for VWA. Please share with your colleagues who may be interested. If you have not received this newsletter directly, and would like to ensure you receive future issues, please subscribe below: Help represent WA in Australia’s largest volunteering survey ever (current research)The Volunteering in Australia organisation survey is an historic opportunity to capture the current state of volunteering, map trends, and consider how volunteering may evolve into the future. If you have not yet responded, and are a volunteer manager, program leader, CEO, or otherwise represent a group involving volunteers, you are invited you to have your say on the future of volunteering. By participating in the survey, you will help build the most comprehensive understanding of volunteering in Australia’s history. The findings of this research will inform the development of the National Strategy for Volunteering, which will provide a blueprint for a reimagined future for volunteering in Australia. The survey is open to 14 June 2022. Volunteering in Aged Care Settings - Report and Good-Practice Guides (WA 2022)Volunteering WA has released the final report on the Volunteering in Aged Care Settings in Western Australia – Good Practice During COVID-19 and Beyond project. One key finding is that the arrival of the pandemic highlighted other issues in need of attention. Against the backdrop of the Royal Commission findings, volunteer management, communication, diversity and inclusion, and recognition of volunteers and volunteer managers have emerged as important.The final report includes a Compendium of seven ‘Good Practice Guides’ for the range of stakeholders involved with volunteering in aged care settings Nursing and allied health staff perceptions and experiences of a volunteer stroke peer support program: A qualitative study (WA 2021)This study explored the perceptions and experiences of nursing and allied health staff of a volunteer peer support program for stroke inpatients. Such support can provide valuable and fundamental adjunct support to address stroke patients’ unmet needs, as well as supporting staff to enhance stroke patient care. Volunteering: A Famiily Affair (UK 2020)The research explored family volunteering, why and how family volunteering comes about, how family and organisational contexts shape family volunteering experiences, and the outcomes of family volunteering for families and organisations. The findings have been used to develop a framework that volunteer involving organsiations can use to reflect on how they involve families in volunteering. It includes a series of questions and practical ideas for developing family friendly volunteering. There is a summary and full report. State of the World’s Volunteerism Report: Building Equal and Inclusive Societies (International 2021)This latest State of the World’s Volunteerism Report presents new evidence on volunteer–state partnerships. It demonstrates how cooperation between volunteers and governments is helping build a culture of collaborative decision-making. Continuity and change: Volunteering during the COVID-19 pandemic (AUS 2021)This report, produced by Volunteering Australia, provides a detailed portrayal of the volunteering experience during the COVID-19 pandemic. It presents insights from over 800 responses from volunteers asked to describe how volunteering during the pandemic impacted their life in general. Chartered Accounts - Giving Back (CA ANZ 2021)Good news for VIO's looking for skilled volunteers on their Board or Management Committee. A recent survey conducted by Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand (CA ANZ) of members volunteering and working in not-for-profits, found respondents volunteered more time per week in 2021 than in 2016 (3.9 hours per week up from 3.2 hours per week in 2016). Most volunteer in roles like Treasurer, Finance Director and Board Member using their accounting skills, as well as business advisory, governance and compliance and board skills. The report provides a snap shot of volunteering intentions, attitudes, activity of the 1,087 members who responded (from a total membership of 132,000). Volunteering WA Research Grant Program 2022Congratulations to the recipients of the 2021-22 Research Grant Program*. The first two projects to be funded will address the research question “How has COVID-19 impacted tertiary student volunteering programs in WA?" Project title: University students’ experiences of volunteering to support older adults in hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative case study. Lead researcher: Dr Olivia Gallagher, Edith Cowan University. Project title: Impact of COVID-19 on University Students’ Volunteering – Emerging Trends and Way Forward. Lead researcher: Dr Fazlul Rabbanee, Curtin University. Volunteering WA looks forward to sharing learnings from these projects with members and our community. *The program offers up to $20,000 in total for one or more projects each year. The program aims to facilitate connections between researchers, particularly students and early career researchers, VWA and volunteer involving organisations, provide answers to pertinent questions,and grow WA's capacity for volunteering related research. ARC Rural Roadmap Project - PhD research scholarshipThe PhD research scholarship (funded by Griffith University) attached to the Developing a National Rural Volunteering Roadmap project is now open for applicants. Expressions of Interest are sought from suitable candidates (Bachelors degree with honours equivalent to first class honours or a Masters degree incorporating a significant research component) to conduct a three-year research project to investigate the personal (individual) factors affecting volunteering supply in rural Australia to uncover how an individual’s participation in rural volunteering changes over time and at different stages of their life. The annual stipend amount is $28,854 (indexed). Applications via an EOI process close 5pm AEST 11 June 2022. |