IEEP UK's October 2024 Divergence newsletter No images? Click here Welcome to our October newsletter tracking all matters of environmental policy divergence between the EU and UK. As most readers will have noted recent months have seen a distinct change of tone (at least from the UK) around EU- UK relations. Whilst Government is vocal in its desire for closer cooperation and alignment, there has been little in the headlines, or beyond, about what this might mean for environmental policy. Closer cooperation on climate policy has been touted, with alignment of Emissions Trading Schemes one area that is apparently in scope (as explored in our recent guest blog featured below). Elsewhere the way is being paved for potential alignment on product standards (including environmental product standards) through a new Bill – with IEEP UK’s briefing (below) receiving a name check in the House of Lords second reading earlier this month. However, the adoption of new laws in the EU in recent months has led to divergence on key policy areas, the extent of which is becoming more apparent. Our new report (below) analyses the extent of divergence between UK’s existing waste water laws and the update to the Directive in the EU – which was covered in ENDS. We were also making the case in ENDS on the divergence in air quality legislation, after Defra announced they are developing a new Clean Air Strategy. This is not quite the same as the new Clean Air Act that Labour had promised whilst in opposition, which it is understood would have gone some way to aligning with recent EU legislation on the issue. [News] Additional ‘phase in period’ for EU deforestation rulesEarlier this month, the European Commission decided to extend the implementation period for its deforestation regulation by 12 months for large companies and 18 months for micro and small companies. Concern had been expressed by a combination of exporting countries, business and some EU Member States about how rules would be applied in practice. The European Commission is at pains to emphasise that this decision does not mean an unwinding or
undoing of the law itself, which remains in force, despite some environmental NGOs who are unhappy with this decision. Meanwhile, in the UK, deforestation rules were included in the 2021 Environment Act but the secondary legislation to enact this has not yet been forthcoming. [Report] Diverging wastewater policy: The implications of changes to EU policy for the UKEU law concerning collection and treatment of wastewater (sewage) has been dominated by the 1991 Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive. This legislation is still in force across the UK, even though there are significant questions about how well it is being implemented at present. In 2024 the EU has, however, adopted a completely revised directive which includes many changes meaning that EU law is now different from UK law. This
briefing from Andrew Farmer explores the divergence between the EU and UK that this new law entails. [Briefing] Products & Metrology Bill - a briefing for ParliamentariansThis briefing prepared for the second reading of the Product Regulation & Metrology Bill explores the broad array of product standards that this Bill potentially affects from consumer to industrial products (e.g., aerosols, machinery, lifts and toys). Though the Bill is heavily influenced by product safety related concerns, there are significant environmental implications too. The Bill will go to Committee Stage in the House of Lords in
November. [Guest Blog] Why the UK should align with the EU on emissions tradingUK businesses stand to benefit from closer alignment between the UK and EU Emissions Trading Schemes, argues Andrew Warren, chair of the British Energy Efficiency Federation. The election of a new government offers an opportunity for UK industry to effectively rejoin the world’s largest climate change abatement programme, the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS). In other news...[Report] An evaluation of the ability of existing policies to achieve UK nitrogen reductions within national statutory targets and international commitmentsThis new report from IEEP UK and Aether Ltd, produced for the Sustainable Nitrogen Alliance, lays out the major nitrogen flows and losses in the UK, and the existing targets to address nitrogen pollution. It goes on to analyse current UK progress towards these national and international targets and where progress is not on track, or where targets are absent, to
identify sets of policies that might help UK Government to better meet these targets. ![]() Stay connected with IEEP UK! If this has been forwarded to you and you're not already subscribed, then keep up to date with IEEP UK via our divergence newsletter. You'll be first to learn about the latest environmental policy developments in the EU-UK, and keep up with events, publications, networking opportunities, and more! |