Western Australian Agrifood Export eNews
Have your say on WA's Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act
The Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 is the foundation that protects Western Australia's environment, agricultural resources and the lifestyle that Western Australians enjoy. It governs WA’s responses to plant and animal pests, weeds and diseases, the use of agricultural and veterinary chemicals, and the safety and quality of our agricultural products.
Global demand for clean, safe, premium quality products from WA remains very strong and this demand is backed by our strong biosecurity systems.
The Act has served us well over the last 10 years, but it needs to be reviewed. With growing numbers of pest and disease risks putting pressure on WA's biosecurity system, changing consumer expectations on the integrity, quality and safety of food and agricultural products, and with new technologies and new ways of thinking at our doorstep, there is plenty to talk about.
The review is being carried out during 2022 by an independent six-member panel, appointed by the Minister for Agriculture and Food. The submission and survey process is open to all individuals and organisations with experience or opinions relating to the Act and its intended outcomes.
The Stage 1 open submissions and survey runs until 27 July 2022. For further information, please email BAMAreview@dpird.wa.gov.au or call 08 9690 2000. Source and Image: DPIRD
Vietnam Business Booster – applications now open
Applications are now open for the 2022 Vietnam Business Booster program, with submissions due by 5 August 2022. Don’t miss out.
The Vietnam Business Booster Program is designed for Australian companies interested in entering the Vietnamese market. The free program will help companies develop a market strategy, with cultural and business insights, in-market connections and mentoring.
The program is being implemented by Haymarket HQ and Acclime Vietnam with funding by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade under the Australia-Vietnam Enhanced Economic Engagement Strategy. More... Source: Vietnam Business Booster / DFAT | Photo: Tron Le / Unsplash [Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam]
Applications open for horticulture netting funding
Horticulturalists in Western Australia are now able to apply for grants of up to $200,000 to install new netting under the second round of the Commonwealth Government's Horticultural Netting Infrastructure Program. The Program provides targeted assistance with funding of $2.6 million to WA primary producers for the purchase and installation of new netting over land used to grow commercial horticultural crops.
WA produces premium horticultural produce which is in growing demand globally in an industry that is counter-seasonal to the northern hemisphere.
Netting is an important tool in resilience and risk management for horticulture producers, helping to limit damage from extreme weather and pests whilst also increasing water use efficiency.
Payments to eligible primary producers will be 50% of the costs incurred, up to a maximum of $200,000, for eligible activities undertaken from 16 December 2019 for apples and pears, and 14 December 2021 for other eligible crops. The program will close on 30 June 2024, or earlier if funds are fully committed before the published closing date. Rebates are subject to the availability of funds.
To confirm your eligibility, please download full application guidelines prior to applying. More... Source and Photo: DPIRD
Australian Growing Season 2022: Update 1
The Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre (AEGIC) is once again producing virtual crop inspection videos for the 2022 season.
The videos cover Western Australia, South Australia and eastern Australia (Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland combined) and are distributed to customers across most South East Asian markets, plus China, Japan, Taiwan, India and the Middle East.
New this year, AEGIC is distributing translated videos to new connections made in Mexico, Brazil, Columbia, Peru and Ecuador as part of a malting barley webinar program.
The videos are translated into Arabic, Mandarin Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese, Vietnamese, Spanish (South America) and Portuguese (Brazil). Source and Photo: AEGIC
Aust-EU FTA negotiations: Sustainable food systems
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is seeking expressions of interest for consultations on the proposed ‘Sustainable Food Systems’ provisions in the Australia-European Union Free Trade Agreement (A-EUFTA).
This is a new area of FTA practice for both the EU and Australia, reflecting our shared interests in the sustainability of food systems.
Relevant businesses, groups, peak bodies, and state and local government organisations should email a-eufta@dfat.gov.au by close of business on Monday 18 July to signal their interest in participating in discussions. Please include in the email: Name/Position; Organisation details; State; Preferred dates in August/September 2022 (if known). Source and Image: DFAT
UK market opportunities for Australian beef
The Australia-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement (A-UK FTA) was signed on 17 December 2021 and is expected to enter into force in the second half of 2022.
In the first quarter of 2022, Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) conducted three new research studies to clarify and better understand the opportunities for Australian red meat in the UK market. Among the key findings:
The UK has a large and growing middle class that prioritises meat safety and integrity, high spending on food and food services, enjoys red meat and forecast to increase red meat imports.
While UK retail has long run a campaign to ‘buy British’, consumers and trade are positively predisposed to Australian red meat, an affinity based on our shared culture and history.
Sustainability concerns are growing among consumers and will need to be addressed as part of Australia’s red meat credentials.
Australian businesses can request a copy of MLA’s UK Research Summary by contacting MLA’s UK Market Analyst Vivian Harris at vharris@mla.com.au. More... Source: MLA | Photo: Adobe Stock
Vietnam food and beverage trade webinar
If you are an Australian food and beverage supplier looking to enter Vietnam, then here's your chance to gain crucial market insights.
Hear from key in-market experts, Vietnam distributors, supply chain, trend and consumer experts.
This event, presented by Food Innovation Australia Limited (FIAL) on Tuesday 19 July 2022 at 10am AWST, is free, but registration is required. Source and Image: FIAL