At, we have coined the word "Re-Imagineer", the people 50+ who are leading this new social movement of the New Longevity.
They have an amazing new set of attitudes, behaviors and buying power. In fact, we have just completed a major national study to learn more about them and all I can say is WOW! Look out because these age innovators are going to shake it up, disrupt and call out brands that continue to be ageist.
We'll be sharing the findings over the next months to the subscribers of the ROAR Report, our business intelligence platform which you can learn more about on our website, Future newsletters will have some highlights too.
One question we asked in the survey is to identify a well known person over 50 who is the role model of living longer in the way that we all want to emulate.
We are going to ask you the same question and next month share your answers and those that we uncovered in our survey.
This month, I'm happy to introduce you to Jacynth Bassett, the CEO/Founder of The Bias Cut: Where ageism is never in style. When she graduated from Cambridge University, she became a trailblazer fighting ageism in the U.K. and has gone global with her business.
Our Re-Imagineers are Gally Mayer who reimagined her life as Co-Founder at Buena Vida Cafe Organico and Stephen Barr, a former colleague who represents the importance of lifelong learning. You'll love their stories.
In my latest Men's Health column showcased below, you'll meet some amazing "Rewirement Innovators". How several men completely reimagined themselves over 60 and the organizations that helped them get there. They will inspire you as they inspired me.
Every month, we want to bring you stories and ideas that will put you on your own path of Reimagination. Remember that if you are over 50 and healthy, you may live to 90 or older. What will you do with that great gift of time? Welcome to the New Longevity. You can do so much more. All it takes is imagination and identifying your favorite future.
ROAR forward.
