Dear Friend,
Welcome to the February ROAR newsletter.
In a recent survey of 1,000 people 50 or older, 78% of the respondents said that their age group is underrepresented or misrepresented in advertising images. Nearly 50% report avoiding brands that ignore them. Why is it that advertisers continue to use stereotypical images and visuals to represent people over 50? How do you feel about this topic? Answer this quick survey to give me your opinion.
In the section below, you will hear an interview that I did with the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), the trade organization for all major brands in the country. The topic... Why does ageism persist in Advertising? It's time for a complete rethink of the creative approach to how brands represent the 50 plus consumer.
This month, we have a lot of insights and wisdom for you from several leaders in psychiatry, career development, and philanthropy. Each of these experts share what they know so that you can enhance the second half of your life experience.
I'm also happy to share the stories of this month's two Re-Imagineers. Don Loftus explains how he reimagined from a very successful career as a CEO in the beauty industry, while building his "life layer" as a playwright, and now moving into that work full time. Emily Henry gives a personal account of how she decided to leave a marriage in her mid forties that was no longer working for her, and how she found a more meaningful life.
All of our Re-Imagineers are individuals who have made meaningful change in midlife or or have reimagined themselves in their 50 plus lives! If you or someone you know fits the Re-Imagineer profile, let me know, so that we can tell their story too.
A lot has happened this month. We launched the ROAR MasterMind, a membership group that will convene for events, roundtables and a fall summit (that will also be open to non-members) focused on the New Longevity. Our members come from the worlds of venture capital, media, entertainment, nonprofit, medicine, technology and more.

If you want to learn about the ROAR MasterMind, contact our Membership Director, Judy Glassman at
If you want ongoing content around the ROAR message, you can follow me on LinkedIn or Twitter or on the ROAR forward handles on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. Check them out for ongoing stories that will help you to ROAR into the second half of your
Feel free to share this newsletter with family and friends (click this link), and thank you for being a part of the ROAR community.
Yours in ROARing,
