A foundation that gives back! No images? Click here Dakota Hospital FoundationE-newsletterMarch 2022
![]() Andy Howe, President Greetings from the Dakota Hospital Foundation board of directors. As your new Foundation President, I find myself surrounded by some of the most intelligent and caring people I could imagine. What a great board to be privileged to serve with. I wish immediate Past President, John Prescott well and thank him for his steady leadership these past 2 years. It certainly has been a trying time to lead any organization. While on the subject of leadership changes, this past year we found ourselves saying goodbye to long time Sanford-Vermillion Senior Director, Tim Tracy. Tim has been an asset to Sanford Health as well as the Dakota Hospital Foundation and Vermillion itself. Tim displayed superb leadership through the COVID-19 pandemic. While we miss Tim, we continue our good work. We are blessed to renew our relationship with Veronica Schmidt who assumed Tim's role as Senior Director at Sanford Vermillion. She has hit the ground running, bringing considerable experience from here at home and elsewhere as her career progressed. We welcome Veronica back and know that our Foundation will benefit greatly from her involvement and guidance. Mark your calendars with our upcoming events. They are described elsewhere in this email, but please be aware of our re-branded Dakota Hospital Foundation Golf Social (in memory of Sheri Ellis and Mary Merrigan). Also, plan to attend the Laugh event, featuring comedian Kris Covi; the popular An Evening for Women; and our upcoming annual Leadership Dinner. Check out our scholarship and grant opportunities. You can see the good work we do by helping our students succeed in college, and by funding important projects in our community. Share information about these opportunities with students and organizations you feel would benefit from our Foundation’s work. We can help our students and fund those projects that benefit our community only because of the support of our generous foundation members. It is your support that make this all possible. Please renew by donating and encourage others to join us, the foundation that gives back. All gifts to the Dakota Hospital Foundation are used to further our mission of community health and wellness. A foundation that gives back. Gratitude to Dakota Hospital Foundation current 2022 donors Alexis & Gerald Tracy OPEN GRANT PERIOD - CLOSES APRIL 30 Dakota Hospital Foundation has awarded over $237,000 from our grants project! Through financial contributions, the Dakota Hospital Foundation supports local 501(c)3 organizations with initiatives focused on enhancing opportunities in our three main focus areas as follows: • Clinical Innovation: Seed money to foster and enhance new programs and fund unique services Open grant periods are April 1 - 30 and October 1 - 31. SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLEDakota Hospital Foundation awards seven scholarships. To date, DHF has awarded over $96,000 to scholarship recipients! These scholarships include:
![]() Lana SvienThe foundation welcomes Lana Svien to the board of directors. Lana began her three year term in January. PINK JERSEY AUCTION ![]() Veronica Schmidt, Senior Director, Sanford Vermillion Medical Center receiving game ball. With gratitude, thank you bidders! This years pink jersey auction raised over $3000! The University of South Dakota athletic department auctioned off four senior jerseys (No. 2, No. 14, No. 22 and No. 34) in February to raise money for Dakota Hospital Foundation. EMPLOYEE GIVING CAMPAIGN UNDERWAY The commitment of the employees of Sanford Vermillion to Dakota Hospital Foundation (DHF) is remarkable! Each year, DHF facilitates an Employee Giving Campaign by providing a day of Q&A, and a free lunch celebrating the good work at Sanford Vermillion on behalf of the foundation and gratitude to their giving. The employees of Sanford Vermillion appreciate the mission of the Dakota Hospital Foundation. Staff witness the foundations commitment to the facility, the culture and environment they serve in. The employee contributions every year are used in fulfilling the mission of the Employee Idea Challenge. A “DID YOU KNOW?” series of information is being shared with staff during the campaign (examples): ? - DHF has funded almost $300,000 in Employee Idea Projects ? - Employee Idea Challenge request for proposals due March 31, 2022 ? - To-date the employee giving campaign is just under $10,000 and over 30 donors ? - DHF has awarded over $237,000 from the grants project Incentive prizes will be drawn for employees during the campaign for first time donors, "everyone in" and $250+ donors. JOIN US FOR OUR UPCOMING EVENTS MARQUEE MESSAGES FUNDRAISERSurprise friends or family with a custom message |