The South West Development Commission (SWDC) is once again rolling out the welcome mat for an international trade delegation, as part of continued efforts to link local businesses to new market opportunities. The trade industry group – comprising members visiting from countries such as Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam and the Philippines – recently spent time on the ground in both the South West and Great Southern regions during their visit.
The timing of the inbound trade mission was organised to coincide with the Wine Show of Western Australia in Mount Barker, and the Fine Vines Festival taking place in the Margaret River Region. As well as having the opportunity to attend the events, the delegates also visited wineries and participated in trade tastings.
SWDC chief executive officer Mellisa Teede said the visit presented delegates with a chance to gain first-hand appreciation of the unique characteristics of the South West.
“From premium wines to gourmet food products and dream-like tourist experiences, Western Australia’s South West region has a lot to offer the world,” Ms Teede said. “Inbound trade missions give us a chance to sell the region to decision-makers, while providing local businesses with a valuable chance to meet with importers, buyers, retailers, restaurateurs and wholesalers who are visiting for the purpose of unearthing new products.”
The mission was made possible through a collaborative arrangement between Austrade, SWDC, the Great Southern Development Commission, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, and Wines of Western Australia. Additional support was provided by Australia’s South West, Margaret River Wine Association, and Great Southern Wine Producers’ Association. More... Source and Photo: SWDC [Delegation at The Folley, Swinney’s vineyard, Frankland River.]