Reimagining Australia's international relations.A platform for collaboration between the development, diplomacy and defence communities.In-conversation with Michael WesleyAP4D's options paper on using all tools of statecraft has been well-received following its launch on 21 February. More than 220 policymakers and officials have been briefed so far across 17 briefings, with media coverage in The Guardian, The Mandarin, ABC News TV, ABC News Radio and more. As an example of integrated statecraft working in practice, the paper cites the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI), which is also the topic of AP4D Co-chair Michael Wesley's new book. Join us on Tuesday 4 April, 12:30-1:30pm (Canberra time) for an in-conversation event with Professor Wesley to discuss RAMSI and its lessons for using all tools of statecraft in practice. Our peopleThe AP4D Advisory Group is co-chaired by Marc Purcell and Michael Wesley. Recent commentary by Advisory Group members include:
Our ProgramOn 16 March AP4D hosted a dialogue 'Maritime Safety in the Pacific', which was the first step in a process to produce a collaborative options paper. Many thanks to all who shared their views and insights on the opportunities for Australia to partner with the Pacific on maritime safety. If you or your organisation has relevant expertise or practical experience and would like to be involved in the working group, please get in touch at In the newsAP4D has been featured in:
AP4D staff have spoken at:
AP4D staff have participated in: |