Western Australian Agrifood Export eNews
WA avocados smashing it in Japan
Western Australian avocados were a smash hit at a Japanese trade event hosted this week by the WA Government to promote the State's premium food and beverages and create new export opportunities.
The State Government partnered with the local avocado industry through Hort Innovation, Avocados Australia and Austrade to showcase the popular fruit to potential importers, retailers and consumers at the WA Premium Food and Beverage Trade Event in Tokyo.
Avocados are the 'hero ingredient' on the event's tasting menu, including avocado and salmon tartare, avocado and lobster mini burger, avocado mini croque madame and an avocado and chocolate mousse, alongside a selection of other premium WA food and wines.
The WA avocado industry currently enjoys market access to Japan, backed by the State's enviable biosecurity status.
The new Japanese language Western Australian Exporter Directory was also launched at the trade event in Tokyo, featuring more than 150 WA agrifood and beverage exporters, to link potential buyers to suppliers. The Directory is also available in Arabic, Chinese, Indonesian, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese and English. More... Source: WA Minister for Agriculture and Food | Photo: WA Investment and Trade Office, Tokyo
Applications for ICCF Round Two closing soon
Applications for grants in the International Competitiveness Co-Investment Fund (ICCF) Round Two will be closing at 9 pm AWST on Friday 4 February 2022.
Launched on 13 December 2021 with total funds of $2.7 million in this round, ICCF is a major grant program of the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development.
The grants will support recipients to boost international business competitiveness by improving supply chains, market diversification, scale, product quality and capacity, as well as customer relationships to target high growth, premium export markets.
Grants of between $20,000 and $100,000 are available to aspiring, emerging and established exporters with a cash co-contribution requirement of $1 for every $1 of grant funding received.
More information about ICCF Round Two is available online. Source: DPIRD | Photo: iStock
Austrade: Post-COVID-19 consumer food trends in Asia
A new Austrade Insight on food trends in Asia has highlighted how COVID-19 has changed the way people buy and consume food and agricultural products.
Consumers are increasingly looking for food with health benefits. There has also been a substantial increase in online food buying. Demand for premium food, usually consumed in restaurants, has fallen. Meanwhile, takeaway food consumption has increased.
COVID-19 restricted physical movement and the availability of goods, particularly fresh produce. This, and changing preferences, led consumers to try new brands.
Austrade says these trends are expected to have lasting implications for Australian agricultural exports to Asia. More... Related: High global food prices present opportunities for Australian agriculture exporters | Source and Photo: Austrade
What the Trade Barriers Register can do for exporters
Australian exporters are able to report a trade barrier by filling out a simple, confidential online form, capturing the trade barrier experienced and the impact it had on business.
The Trade Barriers Register (TBR) was created to serve and support the Australian trading community. As a strong trading nation, Australian trade is vital for the strength and prosperity of the economy. Exporters and importers have benefitted from the opportunities that the removal and reduction of tariffs provides.
The Export Council of Australia and Food Innovation Australia and the Industry Growth Centres were aware of the growing number of trade barriers that emerged through international trade. They decided to come together with their expertise and do something about it.
The TBR allows Australian businesses to share their experiences so that trends can be established and analysed so that substantive policy action can be taken. | Related: Video: Welcome to the Trade Barriers Register | Source and Photo: TBR
Digital export services help build momentum and stay ahead
Western Australian agribusinesses looking to capitalise on growth should tap into Austrade insights and data on top-performing markets in the Austrade export services portal. The site provides a quick way to search markets and laws and regulations to stay ahead of the game.
If you’re new to exporting, Austrade export services takes out the guess work. Access tools and guides will help you get started and learn how businesses like yours are maximising the benefits of selling overseas.
Visit export.business.gov.au for all the tools to help you find new market opportunities for your food or agriculture product. Source and Image: Austrade
WTO launches improved quantitative restrictions database
In November last year the World Trade Organisation (WTO) launched an improved Quantitative Restrictions (QR) Database, an online platform to search and retrieve information on trade restrictions and prohibitions notified by WTO members.
The QR Database provides information on export prohibitions and restrictions introduced by members in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, with detailed information on the affected products, the intended duration of the measures and their WTO justification.
The improved database makes it easier for the user to access information contained in the QR notifications.
As of November 2021, 84 WTO members had submitted 220 QR notifications to the WTO. These encompass 1,724 notified measures that are currently in force, with 62% applying to imports and 38% to exports.
Regarding the response to COVID-19, pandemic-related export prohibitions and restrictions account for 60 measures that have been notified by 34 members under the QR Decision as of 4 October 2021. More... Source: WTO | Photo: Ian Taylor / Unsplash