No images? Click here Commercial zoning for Harcourt town centre Council’s strategic plan for Harcourt - Plan Harcourt - is now complete, and rezones the town centre to a commercial zoning. Feedback from the community has consistently highlighted the need to identify and create an appropriate commercial zone. Providing the town centre with its own commercial zoning facilitates this, and over the long term will direct future commercial uses into the defined town centre area and create sustainable growth for Harcourt. In addition, by rezoning the land that surrounds the new Commercial Zone 1 from Township Zone to Neighbourhood Residential Zone, a clear land use signal is made to encourage and direct commercial uses to ‘set up shop’ within the defined town centre. The Harcourt town centre area includes pedestrian crossings near Stanley Park, landscaping in the median and along the highway, and threshold treatments including sculptures around the town centre. There is a general store, a hospitality business, petrol station and post office in the area. The purpose of the Commercial 1 Zone is:
The zone allows for a large number of different types of land uses. For instance, a child care centre, cinema, offices, retail premises, supermarket and much more. Grow Towards Zero - cultivating community carbon in Central Victoria Grow Towards Zero is an exciting opportunity for local landholders. This is an initiative of The North Central Catchment Management Authority and councils, aiming to restore valuable habitat in our region through targeted planting. Expressions of interest (EOI) are now open for local landholders who want to have trees planted on their property to offset local carbon emissions and take on-ground climate change action. Landholders do not need to provide a financial contribution to set up the sites.
Applications close for Round 1 on 31 March 2025. Loddon Campaspe Drought Resilience Program - funding available Grants are available for community organisations and farmer groups to deliver projects that address key actions identified for regional drought resilience. The North Central Catchment Management Authority will coordinate and deliver the Regional Drought Resilience Planning (RDRP) Program for the Campaspe region. This program will support nine regions in Victoria to prepare place-based, community-led Regional Drought Resilience Plans (RDR Plans). These plans inform future priorities and specific actions to support agricultural communities and industries to build greater resilience to drought. You can read the Loddon Campaspe Drought Resilience Plan here. There are two-tiered grant options available for projects:
Activities must be completed by 30 November 2025. Applications close 5:00pm 13 April 2025. Implementation Grants are provided through funding from the Commonwealth Government’s Future Drought Fund and the Victorian State Government. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Jacqui Knee on 0400 054 690 or at New flagpoles around town Ten new event flagpoles have been erected in three locations in the shire.
These poles have been installed to allow event organisers to highlight significant events in the region and also to allow Council to display flags for shire-wide celebrations like Christmas. Our Events Team manages the bookings and will provide you with guidelines. Financial crime - community session If you are concerned about scams, come to a free community session with Jack Kennedy from Bendigo Bank’s Financial Crime Risk Department and Lyn Hartley from Community Bank Maldon. They will share insights on the importance of online safety and how to identify and prevent scams. You don't have to be a bank customer to attend. RSVP for catering purposes. Call 03 5475 1747 or click on the button to email below. 📍 Location: Maldon Neighbourhood Centre, 1 Church St Maldon VIC 3463 Business Renewables Buying Group information session Would your business like access to low-cost renewable energy? The Business Renewables Buying Group is a local government-led procurement process for medium to large electricity consumers to enter into renewable energy Power Purchase Agreements. Save time and money by coming together with like-minded businesses to access the benefits of group buying and long-term deals. This online information session will introduce you to the process of how to scale up your buying power whilst cutting complexity. 📅 Date: Tuesday 25
March 2025 Help shape our Micro and Small Business Day event It's your last chance to shape the Mount Alexander Micro and Small Business Day event we are holding in June. Tell us what matters to you and what activities and topics you think would be useful for our local business community. Gastronomy Festival EOI - closing date extended In 2019 Bendigo was designated Australia’s first UNESCO Creative City and Region of Gastronomy. The City of Greater Bendigo is seeking a highly experienced event organiser to develop a major annual gastronomy festival, starting in 2026. This is an ambitious plan to develop and grow a nationally recognised gastronomy festival. The EOI also includes the development of a smaller concept event in 2025. The closing date for EOI submission is now Monday 7 April.
Please direct all enquiries through the VendorPanel portal. Good news stories We love featuring good news stories from businesses across the shire. If your business has any recent achievements or awards, email so we can feature the good news in Business Link. What's On Stay up-to-date and sign up to the What's On newsletter here. Discover things to see and do, and all the best places to eat, drink and stay across the region via our tourism website. Click here to add your own event. Follow us on social media
Mount Alexander Shire Council acknowledges that the traditional custodians of this |