Reimagining Australia's international relations.A platform for collaboration between the development, diplomacy and defence communities.Statecraft and international engagementOn Wednesday 21 June AP4D Executive Director Melissa Conley Tyler, Founding Co-convenor Bridi Rice and working group member Will Leben will speak at the Australian Institute of International Affairs ACT event 'How can Australia use its tools of statecraft in international engagement?'. Drawing on a recent AP4D paper, discussions will focus on how Australia can ensure its different tools of statecraft are pushing in the same direction. Our peopleThe AP4D Advisory Group is co-chaired by Marc Purcell and Michael Wesley. Recent commentary by Advisory Group members include:
Our programOn 13 June AP4D was pleased to share the results of a new options paper - 'What does it look like for Australia to enhance coordination with France in the Indo-Pacific’ - with French Ambassador to the Indo-Pacific Marc Abensour and the Parliamentary Friends of France. There's still time to register for the online launch on Monday 19 June, 4:00-5:00pm (Canberra time). On 31 May AP4D launched a paper 'What does it look like for Australia to be a Strategic Partner on Women, Peace and Security with the Pacific', the product of three months of consultations with almost 40 development, diplomacy and defence experts from Australia and the region. The launch featured fascinating discussions with working group contributors Sharon Bhagwan-Rolls, Anna Gibert and Nicole George, as well as a response to the paper from Director of DFAT’s Pacific Gender Section Jane Bastin-Sikimeti. In the newsAP4D has been featured in: AP4D staff have spoken at:
AP4D's Hugh Piper was part of a roundtable for the visit of Delphine O, Ambassador-at-large and Secretary General for the Generation Equality Forum at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. |