![]() June 2023 Heart Forums In the News Investing in a better future for Israelis and Palestinians Israel Campus Fellows visit Museum of the Palestinian People Horizon of Hope Inspirational photos from a trip to Israel and Palestine New Committee Members ![]() Heart ForumsPalestinian thoughts on constructive engagement Over the past several months, Heart of a Nation, a nonprofit organization based in Washington, D.C., that brings together American, Israeli and Palestinian changemakers who want to improve their own societies, has held a series of roundtable conversations with diverse thought leaders selected from a variety of constituencies on their respective red lines regarding conversation and dialogue. We wanted to know how these individuals determined with whom they would and wouldn’t engage. These conversations took place among prominent American Jews, emerging leaders in high school and college, and public-facing Israeli Jews. Similar questions were posed in each discussion and valuable insights were shared. We’ve followed up with another roundtable, this time with a group of Palestinians active in public life. In this discussion, which was moderated by a Palestinian educator and activist, the same questions and issues were raised as before. We observed silently, interested to see if the conversation might play out differently. We were not disappointed. The conversation was rich ![]() In the News10 ways to mobilize support for Israeli democracy Americans are split about what is happening in Israel. Like America, Israel is a work in progress and needs the help of its friends now more than ever. This is not the time for despair, distancing, or any form of “quiet quitting.” Just as hundreds of thousands of Israelis are taking to the streets and are being moved to action, Americans have an opportunity to lean in, to partner up – from each according to means and inclination – and commit to a long-term, intergenerational relationship… Investing in a better future for Israelis and Palestinians …Congress passed the Nita M. Lowey Middle East Partnership for Peace Act (MEPPA)… to promote economic cooperation and people-to-people programs; advance shared community building; and dialogue and reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians… The goal of MEPPA is to bring these societies to a tipping point, where they can see one another through a prism resulting from like-minded initiatives and attitudes… Jewish Agency Israel Campus Fellows to visit Museum of the Palestinian People The tour was the brainchild of Heart of a Nation, which organizes people-to-people encounters between young Israelis, Palestinians and Americans… For the first time, maybe in my lifetime, you’ve got young people from all three societies who simultaneously recognize that their politics is stuck and they desperately want to push forward into a better place. ![]() Horizon of HopeSafety in a Storm Far from home, and longing for a semblance of security amidst the winds change buffeting her society, Linoy Yechieli’s evocative new music video Parachute speaks to all who seek safety and tranquility in these most uncertain times… Inspirational photos from a trip to Israel and Palestine Angst and Aspiration: Heart of a Nation spent two weeks engaging veteran and emerging changemakers in more than a dozen centers of Israeli and Palestinian angst and aspiration. ![]() There's Still Hope in the Holy Land: In the visit to the Middle East, Heart of a Nation found young Israelis and Palestinians deeply committed to improving their political cultures of their respective societies. ![]() Enthusiasm for Heart of a Nation’s Academy: The two weeks of meetings with Israeli and Palestinian activists confirmed Heart of a Nation’s assumption that younger and older changemakers are ready to work together to fix what’s broken in their respective political cultures. ![]() ![]() New Committee MembersLinoy Yechieli Linoy Yechieli currently serves as a Jewish Agency Israel Fellow responsible for engagement and programing on campuses in the state of Oregon. For the past five years she has been working in the music and music therapy field with diverse populations, developing projects to encourage inclusion and social equality in Israel. Linoy’s first album "Notebook" was just released. Sarah Aweidah Sarah Awaidah currently serves as coordinator of the Hiwar Intra-Regional Dialogue Forum with a strong background in education, conflict resolution, and regional partnerships. Scott Brockman Scott Brockman has been building bridges between communities and fostering dialogue for over 25 years. Scott served as the Executive Director of the American Friends of Neve Shalom/Wahat al-Salam where he focused his passion on people-to-people dialogue and cooperation beyond politics and borders. |