Navigate safely with Smartreka maps in WA’s National Parks
WA’s national parks offer some of the most diverse and dramatic natural landscapes on Earth, home to tall timber forests, pristine beaches, spectacular waterfalls, ancient landscapes and an astounding biodiversity of plants and animals. Thanks to the release of Smartreka maps – delivered by WA Parks Foundation in partnership with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions and BHP - visitors can now navigate WA’s most popular parks more easily. The maps use built-in GPS capabilities on smartphones or tablets to plot real-time, and if downloaded while network access is available, the maps can be used without a network connection and without roaming charges. Smartreka maps are available for Fitzgerald River, Stirling Range, Cape le
Grande, Francois Peron, Cape Range, Karijini, Kalbarri, Purnululu, Millstream Cichester and Walyunga national parks. Maps for Leeuwin-Naturaliste, Yanchep, Walpole-Nornalup and D’Entrecasteaux national parks will be launched later this year.