Year in Review • December 20242024 allowed for a lot of time to reflect. Outside of the welcome pressures of being a new father to Max, I treated much of this year as a mid-career survey into what I was producing and where I wanted to take things into 2025 and the future. This unquestionable record of my exterior world, and the artifice I create to reflect upon it is a continual passion. For many years now I have allowed myself to be 'filled up' as it were by the geography and social world around me, but now starting to put those efforts and skills into dedicated projects. I hope this dedicated post to the highlights of my year and this creative soul at work help reflect the richness that is my own life. The latter part of this post briefly touches upon a larger body of work I've been lucky enough to have been working on for the better part of the year; Not Yours. I was born Christopher Dwayne Keith Mulvihill and taken/given to another faction of the family before my 2nd birthday. It wasn't until I was 18 years old that I found out the truth. With the help of some incredible guidance and mentorship I'm examining this trauma in a very abstract and personal way. Through this project I'm hoping to reflect on that time and help bridge the parties involved directly and the parties involved indirectly within the concentric circles of memory. HNY to you all and thanks for listening. XO Brendan