No images? Click here 13 June 2023 Western Australian Agrifood Export eNewsA new barley variety launched by Western Australian Agriculture and Food Minister Jackie Jarvis last week is being touted as 'the one' to take Australian barley production to the next level. The high-performance variety named Neo – the Greek word for new – is set to increase yields by 10%, generating a potential $110 million per annum boost to the value of the national barley industry. The variety, which was recently submitted for malting barley accreditation, is well suited to medium to high rainfall environments boasting strong pest and disease resistance and superior grain quality characteristics. Neo was created by locally based breeding company InterGrain, co-owned by the WA Government and the Grains Research and Development Corporation. The naturally bred variety is a product of the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development's Cereal Doubled Haploid Program, accelerating the development of breeding lines tailored to Australian conditions. Neo is InterGrain's 12th barley variety to be released, complementing a suite of cereal offerings, including a range of Australian hard and noodle wheat lines, and oats. Neo continues InterGrain’s record of breeding high-yielding barley varieties that meet market demands and improve the profitability of WA's grain growers. More... Source: WA Minister for Agriculture and Food / DPIRD | Photo: Intergrain [DPIRD Research Scientist Sue Broughton and Intergrain Senior Barley Breeder David Moody at the Neo Barley launch.] ![]() The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) is hosting a free webinar for WA agrifood exporters on Tuesday 11 July 2023 at 3pm AWST. The webinar will cover the benefits of the Australia-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and strategies for success in the UK market. Over 99% of Australian goods exports to the UK will enter without tariffs, including wine, honey, nuts, olive oil and food supplements, as well as most seafood. For beef, sheep meat and dairy, Australia will have access to expanding tariff quota volumes – within 10 years these tariff quotas will be eliminated completely. WA exported a record $33 million in agricultural products to the UK in 2021-22. Table wine exports to the UK grew from $6.4 million in 2018-19 to $11.67 million in 2021-22 (up 82%), while sheep meat exports grew from $7.5 million in 2017-18 to $14.7 million in 2021-22 (up 96%). The event will feature UK company Category Wins, a sales and category insights agency specialising in providing strategic direction, winning new business and driving growth for food, beverage and fast-moving consumer goods companies in the UK grocery retailing sector. The webinar will cover the following topics:
The event will be opened by DPIRD's Executive Director Agribusiness Food and Trade, Liam O'Connell, with other speakers to include WA Agent General, John Langoulant AO, who will discuss why WA exporters should look to the UK, and what the new FTA means for WA exporters seeking to diversify their international markets. The webinar is open to all WA agrifood exporters, businesses considering exporting to the UK, and businesses interested in learning more about the UK market. Register now for this free webinar by emailing A webinar link will be provided prior to event taking place. Source: DPIRD | Related: Guide to using the A-UKFTA to export and import goods Source: DFAT | Photo: Category Wins Austrade’s Export Supply Chain Service (ESCS) is preparing to sail off into the sunset on 30 June, so register now to join the final ESCS Industry Briefing at 1pm AWST on Tuesday 27 June 2023. In this briefing, a retrospective on how freight operations have changed since pre-COVID-19 will be provided, and what’s on the horizon as attention turns to building long-term, system resilience. Austrade values your participation and feedback, so please submit any questions and/or comments to be addressed during the live question and answer session by 23 June 2023. Questions can be submitted via your WebEx registration form, or by emailing More... Source and Graphic: Austrade On Monday 26 June 2023 the Simplified Trade System (STS) Summit will draw together senior leaders from industry, government, academia, and international guests to identify opportunities and challenges to reform cross-border trade. As part of the Federal Budget, the Government announced an additional $23.8 million to continue initiatives to modernise and improve Australia’s international trade system, include delivering simplified trade system reforms. This important whole-of-government work will simplify Australia’s international trade regulations, modernise outdated information and communications technology systems, and strengthen Australia’s economic resilience. The STS Summit – taking place at Centrepiece Melbourne – is an invaluable opportunity for attendees to engage directly and actively collaborate to help inform and prioritise reforms. Places are filling fast, so register your interest now, or visit the STS Summit website for more information. Source and Graphic: Austrade ![]() Global goods trade remained depressed in the first quarter of 2023, but forward-looking indicators point to a possible turnaround in the second quarter, according to the latest World Trade Organisation (WTO) Goods Trade Barometer. The value of the barometer index rose to 95.6 in the latest reading – up from 92.2 in March – but remained well below the baseline value of 100, suggesting a below-trend stabilisation and the beginnings of an upturn in merchandise trade volumes. Mixed signals in the barometer's component indices nevertheless suggest that the road to trade recovery may be bumpy. More... Source: WTO | Photo: Olga Subach / Unsplash [Barcelona, Spain] Further informationAgribusiness, commercial fishing and aquaculture news from the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD). If you have any questions or information to share, please email Subscribe to Western Australian Agrifood Export eNews. Important disclaimer Copyright © State of Western Australia (Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development), 2023. ![]() |