Welcome to EAGLE's Client Newsletter! No images? Click here Follow us on LinkedInEAGLE is excited about our social media engagement through LinkedIn! We invite you to follow us and encourage you to share our company page link: https://www.linkedin.com/company/eaglecertificationgroup Aerospace Updates
All below articles contributed by April Leonard, Senior Certification Manager New Tool Available to Help Strengthen Your System The International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) has created and released a new program for measuring an organization’s maturity: Aerospace Improvement Maturity Model (AIMM). The new AIMM tool is available to any organization free of charge on the IAQG website. Click the button below to read more about this new tool. ISO 9001 Auditing Free Resource Ever wonder if you are interpreting the ISO 9001 standard correctly? Are you looking for ways to strengthen your system? The ISO 9001 Auditing Practice Group is a great resource at your fingertips! On this site you can read through different papers and presentations for auditing your QMS. Now, it may seem this is strictly for consultants or auditors, but you can also find value! These articles provide guidance on individual areas helping you dig deeper and think about how you are meeting the requirements of ISO 9001. Details within the articles may give you ‘things to consider’ when completing your internal audits! The overall site link is below, along with an example of an article you could use to expand your knowledge on scope and applicability! IATF Critical Updates All below articles contributed by Caitlin Jefferson, Certification Manager Advanced Data ChangesEAGLE has recently made a change to the way pre-audit data is reported by IATF OEM Tier 1 suppliers to the Detroit Automakers (GM, Stellantis-FCA and Ford). There is a separate tab for each IATF OEM that has clear Pocket Guide document. These Pocket Guides can be found at iatfglobaloversight.org. You will enter the required information into the appropriate tab for each IATF OEM customer. Work Instruction 221 (WI-221) has been updated to reflect this change as well; please be sure to download the latest version. Here is a screenshot of the change: ![]() New Requirements for the AuditIn addition to the OEM tabs that have been updated, we have added a section in Advanced Data asking “Which SIs (iatfglobaloversight.org) have been released since last audit and what processes were updated?” EAGLE sends out updates when these are released, but please be sure to subscribe to the iatfglobaloversight.org mailing list to be notified of the latest updates coming from the IATF. Sanctioned Interpretations 3, 21, and 22 (Cyber Security) became effective November 2021 and you will want to ensure that your processes have been updated accordingly based on these changes. Lastly, the IAOB issued a communication to all CBs concerning the use of unauthorized versions of AIAG and IATF standards and documents. The IAOB is requiring all CBs to immediately verify at all audits moving forward that all IATF and AIAG documents are authorized versions. The IAOB’s requirement is as follows: “If Certification Body auditors determine a lack of client compliance with the copyright notice, a minor nonconformance shall be written against the clause 4.2b of ISO 9001:2015. The client shall be informed of where authorized documents can be purchased.” Please reach out to Caitlin Jefferson or the EAGLE office if you need to purchase new copies of the documents or you can order directly at aiag.org. New Requirements for the AuditFord has updated their CSRs, and these changes are effective January 3, 2022. They have introduced new expectations around FMEAs that will require an in-depth review. EAGLE will have additional information on this in a separate communication, but be sure to begin review of the changes. NCR Process ChangesThis is a big change! Rules 5.11 requires evidence to be submitted by the 60-day due date. EAGLE has not been consistently enforcing this requirement. Failure to close NCRs by the 90-day due date, results in immediate withdrawal of the certificate. For 2022, we have updated our process to ensure we suspend certificates if an NCR has nothing submitted for review at the 60-day due date, as required by Rules. This is to protect organizations from having their certificate withdrawn at 90-days for failure to close on time. Please be sure you have a process to submit replies on time, no later than 60 days. Work Instruction 214 (WI-214) has been updated to call this out clearly. Logo UsageBe mindful of logo usage when marketing! The IATF has strict rules on use of referencing anything that implies a logo/mark that links to them. The rule of thumb is that you should not be using homemade IATF marks to market. You can make clear statements about your certification to IATF16949:2016 and should proudly share that! Just stay away from the use of marks. If you have questions on any of the above information, please reach out to Caitlin Jefferson. High-Risk: Evaluating the Process and Complying with the Standards - BRCGS & SQFContributed by Coleen Thornton, EAGLE Food Auditor Safe, authentic, quality food that meets regulation is a daily challenge. To keep up with this challenge, facilities are expected to constantly reevaluate their programs and processes. The Standard requires additional review for high-risk processes. Food Safety CultureContributed by Roger Roeth, Chief Technical Officer (EAGLE Food) In the past year with many of the GFSI food safety standard updates, a new requirement called Food Safety Culture was added. GFSI saw the need to make this a hard requirement even though many of the food safety standards had elements of a food safety culture already in their standard. The GFSI Technical Working Group defined food safety culture as “Shared values, beliefs and norms that affect mind-set and behavior toward food safety in, across and throughout an organization.” I have also seen food safety defined in a mathematical equation: Food Safety = Cultural Science + Social Science + Food Science EAGLE Sponsored Food Safety Training Classes Implementing & Developing HACCP Plans – Live Virtual Training - March 8th-9th, 2022 Implementing SQF Systems - Live Virtual Training - March 22rd-23rd, 2022 Combined PCQI and HACCP Course – Live Virtual Training - April 11th-13th, 2022 EAGLE Sponsored ISO Training Classes Virtual ISO 9001 Lead Auditor Course Monday, March 7th – Thursday, 10th March, 2022 & Monday, March 14th – Thursday, March 17th, 2022 | 1PM-5PM EST Virtual ISO 9001 Lead Auditor Course Monday, April 4th-Thursday, April 7th, 2022 Virtual ISO 14001 Lead Auditor Training Course - April 18th-21st, 2022EAGLE Promoted TrainingTo better support our west coast clients, we will be sharing opportunities for Food Safety Training Classes with Superior Food Safety. All SQF classes are taught by an SQF Licensed Trainer and all FSPCA classes are taught by FSPCA Lead Instructors. Choose from several virtual upcoming classes:
Want to show off your certification(s)?EAGLE can facilitate an order for Banners, Flags or Exhibitor Panels to market your certification! Click the button below for the order form. Have questions? Email becki.burgett@eaglecertificationgroup.com. Recommended Client Resources Contributed by Colin Christmas, Managing Director Our Managing Director, Colin Christmas, had a 20 year career at Nestlé. With his experience of seeing things from the client’s perspective, here are some resources (websites) he recommends and hopes you find useful. Publications |