IN THIS ISSUEGas Price Worries Travelers GAS PRICE WORRIES ACCELERATE AMONG TRAVELERSAccording to the latest Longwoods International tracking study of American travelers, the percentage of travelers who report that rising gas prices will “greatly impact” their travel in the next six months jumped from 29% on March 2nd to 38% on March 16th.
GOVERNORS CONFERENCE ON TOURISMThe Maine Office of Tourism presents the annual Governor’s Conference on Tourism. A two-day event for tourism and hospitality professionals from across the state. April 13-14 THE OFFICE OF TOURISM WANTS TO HEAR FROM YOUThe Maine Office of Tourism has begun work on creating a state-wide destination management plan and wants to hear from stakeholders and residents. Tuesday, May 10 – in-person event CONNECT WITH THE CRUISE INDUSTRYCruiseMaine and the Port of Portland are excited to host the 22nd Annual Cruise Canada New England Symposium. (CCNE) The Symposium is a three-day event from June 13-15 focused on promoting the destination, learning about industry trends, and networking. INCLUSION MAINEDiversity, Equity, and Inclusion Conference based in Maine calling on businesses & rural communities to adopt practices that help attract and retain a racially diverse workforce within Maine. April 14 -15 HELP DONATE TO THOSE IN NEED Maine Needs is striving to help individuals and families in Maine meet their basic, material needs by providing donated clothing, hygiene products, household items, and other necessities. They focus their work on those starting life over from scratch: domestic abuse survivors, asylum seekers, and those facing financial hardships. Please consider donating, the website is continually updated with the most current needs. From Maine to Ukraine is a partnership with the Retail Association of Maine and the Each of the Maine State Tourism Information centers are drop off locations in addition to the Information Center at Ocean Gateway 10am - 3pm. MAKING MAINE WORKThe Maine State Chamber is conducting a survey, once again, to identify the investments and policies that are needed to support long-term economic and skilled workforce growth in the state. This survey is a follow-up to the 2010 and 2018 Making Maine Work surveys that engaged more than 1,000 business leaders. We look forward to seeing how far we’ve come in meeting the needs expressed by businesses over the years. STAY CONNECTED Keep us in the loop, send us any contact changes and/or staffing updates, whenever your business has changes. For all PARTNER Inquiries + Outreach CONTACT Director of Business + Partner Development |