Western Australian Agrifood Export eNews
Interested in taking part in trade events?
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development is considering organising and/or participating in several trade market activations, including international trade exhibitions, outbound trade delegations or inbound buyer missions.
To register your interest in participating in these events, please register your expression of interest by Wednesday 15 June 2022. Source: DPIRD | Photo: FOODEX Japan 2022
Co-operative loans for two regional businesses
The Western Australian Government is boosting regional business growth with a $2.55 million allocation from the State's Co-operative Loan Scheme to two well-known enterprises from Geraldton and Carnarvon.
The Sweeter Banana Co-operative has obtained an $800,000 loan to purchase a packing shed and build a value-adding facility, reducing overhead costs and creating pathways to new markets. The loan will enable the co-operative to purchase its rented premises and diversify its range to include frozen bananas, as well as baked goods made from product that would previously have been discarded.
The Geraldton Fishermen's Co-operative has secured a $1.75 million loan to build its lobster processing capacity at its Fremantle sites by acquiring new steam cookers, blast freezers and a sea water tank system for live lobster storage. The investment will increase production and create value adding opportunities for premium Western Australian lobsters. It will also ensure the Co-operative's competitiveness and ability to meet global market demand for high quality, sustainable seafood.
More than $123 million has been provided to established Western Australian co-operatives for capital purchases, since the Co-operative Loan Scheme was first established in 2004. More... Source: WA Minister for Agriculture and Food | Photo: DPIRD
Final IFAM industry briefings
The International Freight Assistance Mechanism (IFAM) is a temporary, targeted, emergency support measure put in place by the Australian Government to keep global air links open in response to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This will be the last opportunity for exporters, producers and agribusinesses to hear the latest airfreight and supply chain news directly from the team before the program ends.
Attendees are encouraged to participate in the live Q&A by submitting questions during the registration process or during the briefing.
IFAM Meat Briefing
23 June 2022, 8–9am AWST
IFAM Horticulture Briefing
23 June 2022, 11am–12pm AWST
IFAM Seafood Briefing
23 June 2022, 12–1pm AWST
IFAM Dairy Briefing
23 June 2022, 2–2.30pm AWST
Hear updates on the freight environment, guidance for adaption and perspectives from industry. Source and Graphic: IFAM / Austrade
Apply now for a 2023 Nuffield Scholarship
Time is running out to apply for a 2023 Nuffield Scholarship, a unique program that awards primary producers with a life-changing scholarship to travel, while studying an agricultural topic of choice. For over 70 years, Nuffield has built capacity for individual producers, their businesses and the wider agricultural industry.
Nuffield Scholarships are open to farmers, fishers and those in associated industries aged between 28 and 45. Scholars are committed and passionate about farming or fishing, are at the leading edge of technology uptake and potential future industry leaders.
Each year, a new group of scholars are selected, and they continue to be involved with Nuffield after they complete their final reporting commitments. Along with investors, scholars make Nuffield one of the most influential agricultural networks in Australia and internationally.
For a 2023 scholarship, apply here. Shortlisted applicants will be interviewed later this year. Research and travel start in 2023. More... Source and Image: Nuffield
Austrade: High food prices drive rise in export restrictions
Record high global food prices, rising energy and fertiliser costs, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine have led some countries to introduce food export restrictions, Austrade reports in its latest market insight.
As of 15 May 2022, the International Food Policy Research Institute has recorded 23 countries with active export restrictions on food and fertiliser products.
Uncertainty in global food markets is likely to see more food export restrictions introduced in 2022. This may reduce the supply of some commodities available for trade. It will also place upward pressure on global food prices. More... Source: Austrade | Graphic: IFPRI