In the last month, we had several occasions to bring hydrogen research to the forefront of policy attention. The high-level event "Repowering the EU with Hydrogen Valleys" on March 1 in Brussels, followed by the Joint Declaration on Hydrogen Valleys, has been an extraordinary occasion to give key messages directly to Commissioner Mariya Gabriel; messages not only related to the importance of the hydrogen valleys but also on the need to support research, including basic research, in the European programmes. Our attention, as the European research community, will be directed to two main directions, both at the same level of importance: to basic research, by developing breakthrough and next-generation technologies, where we have a wide range of competencies and laboratories in Europe and inside your institutions; and to incremental research and innovation, by supporting the industrial sector in some -from low to medium term- challenges. This is carried on by our innovators. This message was positively received by Commissioner Gabriel who, in her final speech at the Hydrogen Valleys event, declared the important role of research on hydrogen, and remarked on the dedicated support that will be granted by the European Commission to this in the future. I declared the essential need for training of the workforce, with relevant efforts on skills; education programmes with sufficient resources in Europe should be rapidly allocated. This could become one of the major bottlenecks to the development and scale-up of the sector, following the European ambitions included in the FITfor55 programme and in the Hydrogen Accelerator for the Repower EU plan. This is of much importance particularly now, when we see several new Directives giving a guideline on the Guarantees of Origin for Renewable Hydrogen and on the Delegated Act to the Renewable Energy Directive. In any case, moving forward and seeing a new hydrogen market framework soon in place in Europe, from Hydrogen Europe Research we will continuously push for the role of research in keeping Europe at the forefront of the hydrogen sector. Our scientific excellence is a cornerstone for the development of our sector, not only now, but in the future as well. I would like to give a warm welcome to our new members! I am also happy to welcome back the University of Padua. To conclude, we are highly engaged in events to present Hydrogen Europe Research, our activities, values, and objectives. At the end of March, I’ll be attending the Hydrogen Days in Prague to present the Association. I look forward to hopefully seeing many of you there in presence! Best wishes! Luigi Crema President, Hydrogen Europe Research ![]() HYDROGEN EUROPE RESEARCH NEWS AND ACTIVITIESJoint Declaration on Hydrogen Valleys - 1 March 2023![]() On March 1, 2023 Commissioner Mariya Gabriel (on behalf of the European Commission), Hydrogen Europe Research President Luigi Crema, Hydrogen Europe CEO Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, and S3 European Hydrogen Valleys Partnership Co-leader Tjisse Stelpstra, signed a joint declaration on Hydrogen Valleys during the event “Repowering the EU with Hydrogen Valleys” in Brussels. With this declaration, the European hydrogen industry, the scientific community, and European regions, together with the European Commission, committed to joining efforts to support and accelerate the research, development, demonstration and deployment of Hydrogen Valleys and the related infrastructure to achieve the targets set in the European Hydrogen Strategy and REPowerEU, and pave the way towards a climate-neutral, circular, competitive, and energy-secure economy in Europe. On Hydrogen Valleys, our President, Luigi Crema, said: “The European research community directly supports Hydrogen Valleys by helping their replication and their technological improvement (notably through digitalisation and hybridisation with energy communities). We also ensure that lessons learned are transferred, we support the training of the future hydrogen workforce and we engage with European citizens”. Click here to read the full declaration. Click here to see the video materials and pictures of the event. Hydrogen Europe Research works to create a Hydrogen Skills AgendaTogether with Hydrogen Europe, Hydrogen Europe Research set up a Skills Working Group to discuss skills and training needs in Europe in the coming years and envisage the actions to support this. Meetings of the working group bring together relevant stakeholders to provide intelligence and discuss their points of view, showcase best practices from members in the field of skills and training for fuel cells and hydrogen, and prepare policy recommendations for the development of a skilled workforce in the hydrogen sector. On February 28, the Skills Working Group met for the first time in 2023 to discuss employees’ perspectives on career paths and training in the hydrogen sector, and shed light on public support schemes supporting skills development. The meeting also offered the chance to announce the Skills Working Group’s contribution to the EU Year of Skills. Announced by President Ursula von der Leyen in her 2022 State of the Union address, this initiative aims to promote investment in training and upskilling, make sure that skills are mature for the labor market needs, and attract people from third countries with the skills needed by the EU. ![]() The working group will contribute to the EU Year of Skills by drafting a series of recommendations that will be presented to policy makers with a focus on the sectoral challenges for hydrogen and related technologies. To address the growing skills needs of the hydrogen industry, Hydrogen Europe Research is also part of the Green Skills for Hydrogen project, an ERASMUS+ Project which will help meet EU targets by fast-tracking the upskilling and reskilling of students and members of the workforce all over Europe. The project will:
![]() The Consortium managing this initiative is led by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and has a total of 34 partners from 15 European countries. To know more about our skills activities, contact Julia at j.cora@hydrogeneuroperesearch.eu. The Hydrogen Europe Research intranet is finally live!!If you are a Hydrogen Europe Research member, you should have received on February 14 the credentials to access our intranet. If you missed it, please contact Simona at s.vitali@hydrogeneuroperesearch.eu! Members who received the credentials and set their password can easily log in here to retrieve and download useful resources from the Policy Working Group, the Skills Working Group, and the Clean Hydrogen Partnership; members will also be able to explore our Activities Mapping exercise, composed of an interactive map and "search engine" enabling users to identify which Hydrogen Europe Research members develop, test (or both) hydrogen technologies all along the hydrogen value chain. Hydrogen Europe Research Webinars: Meet Our Members!![]() Our series of webinars “Meet our members!” is proceeding at full speed. On February 27 and March 8, Hydrogen Europe Research members presented their projects on “Other Modes of Hydrogen Production” and “Large Scale Hydrogen Storage” and learned what similar research activities related to these topics other institutes in Europe are performing. The next webinar will take place on March 22 and will focus on “Hydrogen in the gas grid”. If you are a Hydrogen Europe Research member and you wish to be involved in this initiative, contact Simona at s.vitali@hydrogeneuroperesearch.eu! Presentations of past webinars can be found on our intranet. CLEAN HYDROGEN PARTNERSHIP UPDATESWorkshop on Hydrogen Valleys: Towards an EU Roadmap for Hydrogen Valleys – Regional actors and their rolesPreceding the Hydrogen Valleys event with Commissioner Mariya Gabriel, the Programme Office of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership, the European Hydrogen Valleys Partnership and the Northern Netherlands region organised a two-day workshop focused on Hydrogen Valley projects in Europe – this workshop took place Tuesday, February 28 and Wednesday, March 1. The purpose of this two-day workshop was for the regional and local actors to talk about current opportunities and challenges in rolling out and scaling up Hydrogen Valleys in Europe. The event was a success, with over a hundred participants from all over Europe! Our President, Luigi Crema, participated in the event in Session 1 "Collaboration of H2 Valleys" which had a successful engagement of public and private stakeholders. NEWS FROM EUROPEGreen Deal Industrial PlanOn February 1, the European Commission presented a Green Deal Industrial Plan to enhance the competitiveness of Europe's net-zero industry and support the fast transition to climate neutrality. The Plan aims to provide a more supportive environment for the scaling up of the EU's manufacturing capacity for the net-zero technologies and products required to meet Europe's ambitious climate targets. The Plan builds on previous initiatives and relies on the strengths of the EU Single Market, complementing ongoing efforts under the European Green Deal and REPowerEU. It is based on four pillars: a predictable and simplified regulatory environment, speeding up access to finance, enhancing skills, and open trade for resilient supply chains. Read the full press release here. Delegated Acts on HydrogenOn February 13, the European Commission proposed detailed rules to define what constitutes renewable hydrogen in the EU, with the adoption of two Delegated Acts required under the Renewable Energy Directive. These Acts are part of a broad EU regulatory framework for hydrogen which includes energy infrastructure investments and state aid rules, and legislative targets for renewable hydrogen for the industry and transport sectors. They will ensure that all renewable fuels of non-biological origin (also known as RFNBOs) are produced from renewable electricity. Read the full press release here. The Delegated Acts will now be submitted to the European Parliament and the Council for approval. They both have 2 months to accept or object to the Commission's proposal. Their scrutiny period can be extended, at their request, by two further months. They do not have the possibility to amend the Commission's proposals. Horizon Europe Guarantee scheme extension to support UK R&DOn 6 March, the British government announced an extension to the support provided to UK Horizon Europe applicants until the end of June 2023. The extension will ensure that eligible, successful UK applicants will continue to be guaranteed funding, supporting them to continue their important work in research and innovation. Read more here. MEMBERS’ NEWSWELCOME TO HYDROGEN EUROPE RESEARCH NEW MEMBERS! Following the approval of the new Statutes (April 6, 2022), the Executive Board is in charge of reviewing the applications received once per month and accepting new members. We are proud to announce that since April 2022, the Executive Board welcomed 36 new full members! If you are not part of the Hydrogen Europe Research membership, and you would like to have more information on how to join us, contact us at secretariat@hydrogeneuroperesearch.eu! Click here to discover more about our membership criteria. CATIM - Portuguese Technological Center for the Metal Working Industry![]() CATIM, Portuguese Technological center for the metal working industry is a non-profit private institution of public utility, that resulted from the association of interests, industries, and associations with public companies. Its mission is to contribute to the innovation and competitiveness of national metal industries and similar or complementary sectors. Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium (CERIC-ERIC)![]() CERIC is a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) integrating and providing open access to some of the most advanced analytical facilities in Europe to help science and industry advance in all fields of materials, biomaterials, and nanotechnology, with a focus on energy materials and life sciences. With a single entry point to some of the leading national research infrastructures in 8 European countries, it enables the delivery of innovative solutions to societal challenges in the fields of energy, health, food, cultural heritage and more. Plocan - Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands![]() PLOCAN is a multipurpose technical-scientific service infrastructure that provides support for research, technological development and innovation in the marine and maritime sectors, available to public and private users. PLOCAN offers both onshore and offshore experimental facilities and laboratories, operational throughout the whole year thanks to the Canary Islands excellent climatic conditions. PLOCAN also brings a broad experience in large national and EU marine/maritime projects. Faculty of Engineering at the University of Mondragon (MGEP)![]() The Faculty of Engineering at the University of Mondragon is a Spanish research co-operative integrated both in the Mondragón Corporation and Mondragón University. Its research model is based on the integration of research, training, development and innovation activities. MGEP's lines of research comprise advanced processes for transformation of materials, mechanical behaviour and product design, new materials and advanced technologies of materials, information and communication technologies as well as organisation and industrial management. Brandenburg University of Technology![]() The Brandenburg University of Technology develops application-oriented solutions for the major global issues and transformation processes of the future with scientific competence. It offers its students an outstanding education, individual support, and the opportunity to learn together as well as from each other with curiosity and an open mind. Students from Germany and all over the world contribute to their varied and inspiring campus life. University of Padua![]() Celebrating in 2022 eight hundred years from its foundation, the University of Padua is one of the leading Universities in Italy and has a long tradition and consolidated reputation for scientific excellence. Its faculty employs more than 2400 people in its administrative and technical staff. More than 70000 students are enrolled at UNIPD. UNIPD researchers have participated and coordinated many local, national and international projects on hydrogen and innovative fuels, involving several European and extra-European universities, research centers and private enterprises. Rzeszow University of Technology ![]() The Rzeszow University of Technology is a state-funded academic university that makes up a part of the Polish national education and science system. The Rzeszow University of Technology offers its students a wide variety of programs and courses. It also undertakes research and scientific projects in the following specialized fields of the applied sciences: engineering, mathematics, physics, economics, as well as the chemical and biological sciences. DON'T MISS THE NEXT EVENTS!SuperP2G-Closing Conference, 23 March 2023 in Brussels, Belgium![]() SuperP2G interconnects leading P2G initiatives in five countries, ensuring joint learning. Each national project focuses on different challenges, where researchers team up with local need-owners to co-create solutions. SuperP2G focuses on improving existing evaluation tools including open access, as well as developing a new open tool. This is supplemented with analysis of regulation and markets, as well as stakeholder involvement. On March 23, the team of researchers engaged in the SuperP2G project will present their results and conclusions at a public conference. The conference will take place as a hybrid event, both on-site in Brussels and online. Discover more about the project and register for the event here. Hydrogen Days, 29–31 March 2023 in Prague, Czech Republic![]() The Hydrogen Days conference is an excellent frame for updates on hydrogen and fuel cell technologies and represents the best setting to show the latest advances in research, projects, and products in the Czech Republic, Visegrad regions, and Central Europe. World-renowned experts, including government officials, entrepreneurs & students will discuss the latest progress in research, industry and the public policy scene, and promote further development and the implementation of hydrogen technologies in our daily lives. Hydrogen Europe Research is a bronze sponsor of the event. Click here to discover more. 7th International Hydrogen Technologies Congress, 10-12 May in Elazığ, Türkiye ![]() The Seventh International Hydrogen Technologies Congress (IHTEC-2023), which is a multi-disciplinary international congress hosted by Fırat University and coordinated by National Hydrogen Association, Turkey, will be held between 10-12 May 2023 in Elazığ, Türkiye. The technical part of the IHTEC-2023 will include sessions where keynote, invited and general speakers will deliver talks on their work and research in hydrogen energy. Topics of the congress include but are not limited to hydrogen economy, hydrogen infrastructures, hydrogen management, safety, production and conversion. Click here to discover more. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER!![]() Do you want to know more about Hydrogen Europe Research news and activities? Please confirm that you are still happy to hear from us! Give your consent here! |