Rangitāne Tū Mai Rā Trust congratulates our new Trustees on its Board following the 2024 Trust elections. Rangitāne ki runga, Rangitāne ki raro, Rangitāne ki roto, Rangitāne ki waho Ngā Karere o te wā - News update Tēnā koutou katoa e ngā whānau, ngā hapū, ngā marae pā kai ahi o Rangitāne, Rangitāne Tū Mai Rā Trust congratulates our new Trustees on its Board following the 2024 Trust elections. All successful candidates have been former Trustees: Their skills and attributes combined with the current Trustees' skills and expertise ensure the Trust is in a strong position to confidently move into the future with purpose for our hapū, whānau, and mokopuna. Tini whetū ki te rangi, ko Rangitāne ki te whenua! Rangitāne Tū Mai Rā Our Newly Elected Trustees Mavis Mullins Ko Ruahine te maunga, ko Ruapehu te maunga, Ko Manawatū te awa. Ko Whanganui te awa tapu. Ko Rangitāne te iwi Ko Atihau nui a Pāpārangi te iwi Mavis is a recognised leader in Aotearoa. An experienced governor who has chaired several large Māori land-based incorporations. Mavis humbly offers her services to strengthen and embed Hāmuatanga for the mokopuna of tomorrow. Paige Bradey Nō Tamaki-nui-ā-Rua ahau, he uri o te hapū o Ngāti Pakapaka me Ngāti Mutuahi I’m excited about our housing strategy and look forward to seeing our first developments come to life. Māori are currently navigating through a complex and increasingly negative political environment where ensuring that Māori rights and interests are not diluted or lost. I want to continue the work the trust is doing in building our relationship with our rūnanga and whānau in Manawatū and Wairau. Hinekura Reiri Ko Ngati Mutuahi te hapū He uri o Rangitāne o Tamaki nui-ā-Rua I consider myself to be professional and charismatic with all my dealings at the grassroots level. I bring negotiating skills and have an influential manner that will make me a key member of Rangitāne Tū Mai Rā Trust. Piri Te Tau Ko Piriniha Edward Tikawenga Te Tau taku ingoa, Ko Rangitāne, ko Kai Tahu, ko Ngāti Kahungunu me Raukawa ōku iwi My contribution to Board discussions, decisions, and actions remains whānau focussed. I expect our whānau will see tangible evidence “beyond the spreadsheet” of achievement and accessibility to improved communications. Yvette Grace Ko Rangitumau tōku maunga, Ko Ruamāhanga tōku awa, Ko Kurahaupō tōku waka, Ko Ngāti Hamua tōku hapū, Ko Rangitāne tōku iwi Currently the CEO of Te Hauora Rūnanga o Wairarapa and previous General Manager of Rangitāne Tū Mai Rā Trust; with previous governance experience on the Rangitāne Tū Mai Rā Trust, Wairarapa and Hutt Valley DHBs and Te Karu o Te Ika Poari Hauora (IMPB). I will bring to the role extensive governance, strategic, financial, and Hauora knowledge and experience for the benefit of ngā uri o Rangitāne. |