No images? Click here November 2022Leadership for Personalised Care NewsletterIf you don’t see the images in this newsletter, open in browser by clicking on the link at the top. Welcome to the latest newsletter from the Leadership for Personalised Care team. As we near the end of 2022, I’m delighted to introduce this newsletter which celebrates 10 years of the Leadership for Personalised Care programmes. As well as reflecting on how far we have come, we also consider the future development of our work to drive change in local systems. Catherine Wilton - Programme Founder and Director
Our WorkRegional programme success This autumn we had the pleasure of delivering the Regional Leadership for Personalised Care programme; 21 days of virtual delivery across seven regions of England developing 280 leaders. The programme was co-delivered by national experts, many of whom have lived experience and a long history of leading change. The programme consisted of three virtual full day regional workshops. It also included Action Learning Sets, supporting 32 groups to explore their challenges and develop their own solutions. Programme delegates applied to take part as place-based groups, bringing together colleagues from health, social care, housing and the voluntary sector to learn about leadership together. Groups created an action plan to maintain momentum for their place-based change project. On the final day of each regional programme, delegates created a word cloud using words to describe how they felt about leading change after taking part. We are delighted that this programme has had a meaningful impact on those that attended, the people that they work with and citizens. Leadership for Empowered Communities and Personalised Care programme Earlier this month we celebrated the final day of Leadership for Empowered Communities and Personalised Care (LECPC) Cohort 9. Delegates took to Twitter to share their positive experience of the programme: "Fabulous group of people! What a great day- need to keep in touch and remain motivated!" @roseyrach35 "What a privilege to share and learn with these amazing people. Working towards changing #socialcare and #NHS services to be #coproduced with those who matter most. Thank you to @catherinewilton and the brilliant #lecpc2022 team #personalisedcare…… Thanks to you for the smooth running of an extremely insightful and practical course" @katielean2 "What an amazing day! Inspirational leaders across health & social care signing off with keynote speakers, feeling inspired and supported by a wonderful group #LECPC2022 #personalisedcare and thank you for supporting me to develop on a course as beneficial as this!" @JohnGale1983 "It’s been an amazing 6 months of learning from these inspirational leaders which we will be sharing with our colleagues back in Brighton. Thank you" @EBFoodCoop We are excited to follow the work our delegates do following this programme. Read on for details of how you can apply for the next cohort. Next cohort - recruiting now! If you have been inspired by what you’ve read about the Leadership for Empowered Communities and Personalised Care programme, you now have the chance to apply for our next cohort. The programme is aimed at senior leaders in the NHS, social care, housing and voluntary sectors. It is run by a team of national experts in leadership development, co-production, community development and personalised care, many of whom have lived experience. The next cohort will run as a blended learning experience from January - July 2023. Throughout this time you’ll benefit from: Applications close 2nd December 2022. We advise applying as soon as possible to ensure you have the opportunity to be shortlisted for this invaluable opportunity! For more information see our cohort 10 flyer. To apply, access our application form. A programme for social prescribing and other primary care roles Making personalised care happen calls for new types of leaders who can work across organisational boundaries, make connections and bring staff, people and communities together to drive change. In partnership with the South East Leadership Academy and Altogether Better, we created a new programme to support people working in or helping to grow personalised care roles and supports in primary care. This included social prescribing link workers, care coordinators and health and well-being coaches in the South East Region. Attendees came from NHS, councils and the voluntary sector. Delegates had the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding and knowledge. Modules included: If you work in the South East region and you would be interested in participating in a future cohort, please email
Our PeoplePutting leadership into practiceIn each of our newsletters, we share with you stories of leaders who are applying a person-centred approach in their work. This month we spoke to Guy Stenson, from our original cohort, and Rachel James, who has just completed the latest Leadership for Empowered Communities and Personalised Care programme. Guy Stenson Since attending our first national programme 10 years ago, Guy Stenson has become a prominent voice for personalised approaches and system change across the housing, health and social care sector. Earlier this year he took up the role of Chief Executive at social housing provider, Gloucester City Homes. Guy says that getting people to look at things from different perspectives is central to challenging established ways of working. He ensures the voice of the customer, patient or service user is genuinely heard. Rachel James Rachel James is Child, Young Adult and Family Director at Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation Trust. She is in a leadership role in a task and finish group within North London Integrated Care Board. Rachel identified her participation on the programme has given her a renewed energy and a sense of purpose to bring about meaningful change for people across the community. She says: “I’m really passionate about making sure co-production is at the heart of what we do to deliver things in a way that is meaningful for the population and different parts of the community. “I firmly believe this course is giving me the skills, knowledge and confidence to take that transformative agenda forward in a meaningful way and really bring about change to collaborate with people who use our service and crucially to better engage with people that don’t." If you would like to share your story, please fill in this form. Introducing programme tutor, Debs Carter All our programmes are facilitated by a group of experienced, specialist tutors. This month we are delighted to introduce you to Debs Carter, a member of our tutor team who is also part of our alumni community, having previously completed the programme herself. She has a degree in Social Policy and is a fellow of the School for Social Entrepreneurs. Debs is on a mission to enable people to tell and hear real life stories through the non-profit she founded 6 years ago, Touch Network CIC. Run in relaxed environments such as coffee shops, bars and online, Touch Network has enabled over 120 people to tell their personal stories, and over 1500 people to hear them, leading to a more hopeful and inspired community. Touch Network also works with NHS and social care, to ensure patient stories are at the heart of health care provision. Debs regularly shares her own story of moving forward with severe depression. She previously ran a third sector management consultancy business. Debs recently undertook a research project on behalf of Southampton Clinical Commissioning Group called ‘Ideas for Wellbeing’, where she and her team worked with nearly 800 people in the Southampton community to find out what helps people to have better days.
Our MissionLeadership for Empowered Communities – reflections on the past 10 years By Catherine Wilton, Founder and Programme Director This year marks the 10th anniversary of our pioneering and acclaimed Leadership for Empowered and Healthy Communities programme. It’s a proud moment for me and other founders including Maggie Woods, John Evans and Miro Griffiths, team members, partners and alumni, to reflect on how far we’ve come, and what more there is to do, in helping leaders create a health and care system that is truly built around the question ‘what makes a good life for you?’ When we launched our first programme in 2012 our mission was to create a network of leaders committed to radical change and reform in the health and care system. We aimed to provide space for reflection, expert input, inspiration and motivation to stretched leaders who wanted to make personalisation a reality, but were faced with the challenges of trying to change systems and cultures from within. We did not have the funding to take this work to scale, so we decided to start small and grow our influence through networks of alumni and other like-minded people. Our approach is built on the idea of a multiplier effect - building a movement for change, or a ‘family’ of leaders committed to doing the right thing in the right ways. Since 2012, we have trained approximately 3,000 leaders. If each one influenced things for the good for just 10 people in their community, there might be 30,000 potential better outcomes. And if they also influenced other leaders, there is the potential for big change. For personalised care to take root, I believe that leaders and policy-makers need to unleash the power of people - in the workforce and in communities - by embracing co-production, partnership working and growing collaborative, inclusive, place-based and community-literate leadership. Some of our programme alumni are doing just that, but there is a lot more to do to spread these approaches and make personalised care truly business as usual. We hope you take the opportunity to apply for our national programme - together we can make a difference. For a longer version of this blog, visit our website. Keep in touch
For every newsletter, we would like to include content from YOU, our network, alumni and participants. For example, we would love to include stories of how our programmes have helped you and the change you’re making on the ground to benefit people and communities.Please get in touch with us on if you want to share something with us for the next newsletter, or fill in this form and we will be in touch. We look forward to sharing more leadership for personalised care related content with you next time. In the meantime, please stay connected through our socials below. Until next time, The Leadership for Personalised Care Team