Western Australian Agrifood Export eNews
Applications closing for Export Pathways Program
The Export Pathways Program, which aims to build the export capability of Western Australian agribusinesses through small group training and one-on-one mentoring, might be just the boost you need.
The program will teach businesses how to develop market and competitor analysis reports, learn new market entry and pricing strategies and develop compelling market-specific pitches. The WA Government (through the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development) will fund 50% of the participation fees.
There are two separate streams of the program:
Export Market Readiness - for businesses with aspirations to begin exporting, but not exporting yet.
Export Market Development - for businesses that have undertaken some exporting and are seeking to increase export activity.
More information is available here. Applications close this Friday 8 April 2022, so apply now for your position on the program. Source and Image: DPIRD
UK market update for Australian wine exporters
Austrade invites all Australian wine exporters interested in expanding their business to the United Kingdom to join a webinar at 3.30 pm AWST on 13 April 2022 to explore business opportunities in the UK.
An update on the UK market, latest insights, and support for exporters will be discussed by Austrade, Wine Australia, and Australian Grape and Wine.
If you are new to exporting your products, or you are an existing exporter, this webinar will help you gain insights into the current UK market and how you can seek opportunities in what is one of Australia's most valuable wine markets.
The webinar is free, but participants must register. More... Source: Austrade | Photo: Zan / Unsplash
Webinar: Insights into logistics in Southeast Asia – Indonesia
The COVID-19 pandemic has acutely forced attention on global supply chains and logistics. Companies have had to work harder to secure new or different transportation channels, delay orders or deals and pay more to move goods to key markets.
It's become clear that a range of solutions for domestic and international movement is needed to keep business moving.
To learn more about current trends, Bisnis Asia is collaborating with Indonesian digital logistics company Shipper for a discussion to include:
The logistics and supply chain landscape in Indonesia.
The rise of digital solutions for large and small businesses.
Indonesia’s business culture and the dynamics of culture on the logistics landscape.
How the task of moving goods between Australia and Indonesia inspired Shipper's founder.
The webinar will also hear from an Australian food exporter on their experiences over the past two years, and insight into doing business in Indonesia from Bisnis Asia's cultural competency adviser.
Register now for this free event which takes place this Thursday 7 April 2022 at 12 noon AWST. Source: Bisnis Asia | Photo: Aeira G / Unsplash [South Jakarta]
Domain name change could leave businesses at risk
From 24 March 2022 Australian businesses will be able to simplify their domain name. Businesses can now register to have their domain name end in .au rather than .com.au, .net.au, .org.au or .edu.au. All businesses will have until 20 September 2022 to reserve their .au equivalent domain name, then it becomes available to the general public.
This new category of domain name presents another avenue for cybercriminals to conduct fraudulent behaviour. If a business does not register its new domain name, then a cybercriminal may be able to register the name and thereby impersonate the business. For example, if you have currently registered yourbusiness.com.au, a cybercriminal could register yourbusiness.au or yourbusinesscom.au.
To protect themselves, the Australian Cyber Security Centre recommends businesses with existing domain names should register their .au equivalents before 20 September 2022. More... Source: ACSC | Photo: Luke Southern / Unsplash
WTO: The role of technology in facilitating trade
A recent publication by the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and the World Customs Organisation (WCO) provides insights into how advanced technologies could improve the flow of goods across borders. The publication highlights the benefits that could result from the customs process adopting technologies such as blockchain, the internet of things, data analytics and artificial intelligence. Benefits would include enhanced transparency of procedures, better risk management, and improved data quality, which would lead to greater efficiency in customs clearance processes and greater revenue collection.
Blockchain’s widespread applications can help make trade both more transparent and less paper intensive. That would reduce trade costs, which is good news for everyone, especially small businesses, which are disproportionately affected by red tape at the border.
The publication provides useful guidance to WCO and WTO members implementing the WTO’s Trade Facilitation Agreement, which aims at facilitating the release and clearance of goods, including by using electronic means to exchange data and documents relating to cross-border transactions. More... Source: WTO | Photo: Hanson Lu / Unsplash