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December 2024

Dear all,

As we approach Christmas, Hanukkah, and the end of 2024, we look forward to continue our work on new activities and opportunities, while strengthening our commitment to UK-Israel collaboration to foster community, progress, and positive change.

Wishing you and your loved ones a peaceful and joyful holiday season.

British Council Israel

Stay tuned for the announcement of the WCGA's new grantees and fellows!

We are excited to share that the next cohort of Wohl Clean Growth Alliance grantees and fellows will be annonced in January 2025.

'The scientific collaboration between UK and Israeli scientists benefits millions.'

Recently the Jerusalem post, published an article about the BIRAX Healthy Ageing Conference in collaboration with Longevity Nation 2024 at Bar Ilan University. 

Congratulations to Prof. Liran Shlush for being awarded the Prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant 2024

BIRAX 2017 grantee, Prof. Liran Shlush from the Weizmann Institute of Science, has been awarded the European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant, which provides up to €2 million for five years to support advanced researchers. Prof. Shlush’s ERC-funded work builds on his previous BIRAX research, where he explored the impact of pre-leukaemic mutations (pLMs) in blood stem cells, which can lead to cancer and immune dysfunction in the elderly. His new research aims to develop tools for early detection of these mutations, study their effects on blood cells, and create treatments to prevent or treat age-related blood cancers. Additionally, he is advancing a clinical study to replace invasive bone marrow biopsies with a simple and accurate blood test.

BIRAX is proud to have laid the foundation for these pioneering projects, showcasing how its grantees continue to push scientific boundaries and make lasting contributions to their fields.

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